/ / White magic at home: plots on health and money

White magic at home: plots on health and money

It is believed that a person can practicedifferent types of magic, only each requires the use of its resources. In this, perhaps, lies the catch, especially for those who are fascinated by power. For example, both black and white magic at home can be quite used, but knowledge is best acquired from a competent and experienced mentor. That is what will make this practice safe.

white magic at home plots

What is magic in general? What are its types?

According to statistics, most people arethe planet believes in the supernatural. Of course, depending on the region of residence, this indicator can either decrease or increase. For example, in cities, large metropolitan areas, this percentage is much lower than in rural areas.

This is quite understandable.If we talk about magic, then most often all sorts of witchcraft were found in villages, where healers, endowed with this power, lived. Some believe that for its more successful use, it is necessary to feed from the forces of nature.

However, if we talk about megacities, theresupernatural emerges from human superpowers - such as that shown to us by Spiderman, heroes of the film “X-Men” and the like. It turns out, the magic has transformed a bit?

But let's talk about traditional magic.Perhaps the most famous in this direction are white and black. Their difference is that white magicians use light power, and black - dark. It is believed that white magic is only good, but black can bear evil. And not necessarily obvious. For example, forcing a person to do something besides his will is already evil. The opposite is true of white magic. Its purpose is to serve the good, to multiply it.

Today, black and white magic at home (plots, for example) are used quite often.

white magic at home spells

Use white magic

How can white magic be used?For what purpose? The most important thing to remember is that you need to use this power for good. With its help it is impossible to harm people, impose their will or limit others. And also the action of this force should not lead to the death of a person.

So, if you decide that you need a whitemagic practiced at home, you need to know that it is not suitable for all actions. For example, it is impossible to direct damage to a person with the help of light forces. But other actions are possible.

Healing. Yes, healing requires light forces. Helping people predetermines a pure heart.

Prediction. This does not mean divination. Prediction is possible only with a clear unalloyed gaze and reliance on God's power and conduct.

Love spells and attraction. There can be anything - and a loved one, and money, and luck.

Of course, this is only an approximate division,but the essence is as follows. However, one should carefully apply any conspiracies, conduct ceremonies. Especially if they are not verified. All this can harm not only another person, but also the practitioner himself.

white magic at home for love

How to learn magic?

Magic can be learned in various ways. For example, to get strength initially, as an innate ability, or to achieve this through long training and work.

However, there are also their own requirements.For example, to use the power of light, it is necessary to be clean, both spiritually and physically. Very often, the one who applies such magic has a great connection with God, and also passed the rite of baptism (it can be any other similar, but in its religion).

If we talk about lifestyle, then to getthis force should be abandoned alcohol, smoking, drugs. Also, regular posts are necessary, because during hunger, the inner reserves of a person are cleaned and activated, and willpower is trained. Thus, on the basis of this, it is necessary to limit the consumption of meat, or even stop eating it. It is believed that the murder vibration is preserved in the meat, which can affect the purity of consciousness, and it is also a heavy product.

In any case, it is believed that the magical powershave every person. Some just have a lot of them, while others have a smaller one. In addition, you should know that even unknowingly used white magic at home. Conspiracies, as well as spells - this is not a mandatory attribute. If a person has enough personal power, then he can simply use his energy, for example, for healing.

Но тем, кто решил заняться этим всерьез, следует find an experienced mentor. This is a prerequisite. It is not for nothing that in all religions magic is not at all welcome. You can get off the right path, even if you carefully move in this matter.

Также очень важным является тренировка воли.This can be meditation, and fasting (as was written above), and other actions. And, of course, books. One should find the true magical literature and study it. It is necessary to learn to understand many processes, to study the universe.

white magic at home for good luck

Who are the magicians?

But still, who are the magicians, which is subject towhite magic at home who practice conspiracies, conducting various rituals? It is safe to say that these are people who are endowed with a special gift (developed or received from birth). Of course, not everyone can use it for good, and black magicians appear.

It should also be noted that the real white magician adheres to the principle that one cannot use his powers for evil, he sees the consequences of each of his actions.

White magic tools

White magic at home involves the following tools:

  • cards for fortune telling;
  • knife for performing rituals;
  • a prayer book or a book of conspiracies, where everything that the magician uses, based on his experience, is recorded;
  • pendulum to get answers;
  • candles;
  • crystals, minerals, stones.

This is not a complete list of items that a white magician can use. In the process of gaining experience, each acquires “his” attributes that work more accurately and more easily.

white magic at home

How to attract money using white magic?

The white magician can use his powers in orderto attract money to the house. However, one should be very careful here, as in other practices. White magic at home (for money) - this is certain rituals and conspiracies.

Рассмотрим один из способов.It is necessary to conduct this ceremony on the new moon, which provides a greater likelihood of a successful outcome. Prior to the ceremony (the day) should prepare a place where you plan to conduct the procedure. It is necessary to make an altar, in the center of which we put what the four elements symbolize: a feather, a coral, a stone, a lighted candle.

The ritual itself must be held at midnight. Focus on what you want, repeat your desire until you feel that the inside becomes very easy.

white magic at home for money

How to attract love with white magic?

White magic at home (for love) -very common practice. For an inexperienced person it can be dangerous, this should be remembered initially, since, in principle, there is a very fine line between bewitching and attracting love. It should be noted that to use true white magic is unacceptable to impose their will on some person. If you want to find your soul mate, then the ideal option would be to cast spells and conduct ceremonies to attract love into your life, and not a particular person. In this case, the fate itself will send the right person, the one and the intended.

Помните, что белая магия в домашних условиях на the love of a guy (that is, rites of engaging a person whom you know and who you like) can end with ordinary bewitching. There is no place for light.

For the ritual of bringing loveit is necessary to choose a clear night when the moon is at the growth stage. It is also advisable to do this on Friday, since this day is considered the day of Venus, the goddess of love. Burn the scented candles, read the plot. You can use crystals that attract the energy of love, for example, quartz, lapis lazuli, amethyst.

How to attract luck with magic?

White magic at home for good luck is very popular. There is a very wide range of rituals that are quite diverse. For example, there is a very interesting one.

Sew a small bag yourselfusing any green fabric (but better natural). After it is ready, add basil (10 pinches), mint (5 pinches), and coarse salt (3 pinches). Also remove the peel from three apples, dry it and chop. Also put in a pouch. It is also necessary to put there coins - 3 of copper (for example, ten kopecks), 1 of white metal (for example, five kopecks).

Теперь осталось прочесть заговор.“Business is behind, business is ahead, profit is in the middle.” This bag should be in the place where you work. Every week (at the beginning of it) read the plot, holding it in your hands.

white magic at home on love guy

How to attract health with magic?

An interesting point is also that whitehome health magic is also a popular practice. It can be both various plots and rituals for attracting health, as well as the creation of charms of charms.

By the way, there are certain dayswhen magic directed to this channel works more efficiently. For example, on the day of Ivan Kupala. The dew collected on this day has magical healing properties - it has been known since ancient times.

Также существуют многочисленные заговоры, которые can be read if a person has a pain. They are different. For example, a conspiracy for headache, eye disease, toothache, boils, or high fever. Of course, this is not the whole list. And you should know that conspiracies are not a treatment, but only activate a person’s forces in the fight against the disease. If the disease requires urgent intervention by a doctor, be sure to contact him.

Spells that white magic uses. Conclusion

So, as is clear from the above, white magicat home (spells rites, as well as various rituals) is quite acceptable. The results depend on the personal power of the magician, on his experience and knowledge.

If we talk about spells that useswhite magician, then when they are pronounced, relaxation, concentration and visualization of the desired are important. The spell itself (at the beginning of the path) is better to use already ready and tested. Only after some time, experience is gained to compose his spells. So, remember caution, stepping on this path, as well as the main principle - “Do no harm!”

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