/ / Dream Interpretation: jealousy as a harbinger of events

Dream interpretation: jealousy as a harbinger of events

A lot of interesting information about our nightlyvisions can tell a book like a dream book. Jealousy is a phenomenon that often accompanies us not only in life, but also in dreams. And there are a lot of interpretations for this vision - that's why it's worthwhile to briefly talk about each one.

dreamlike jealousy

Miller's book of interpretations

One of the most truthful is thisdream book. Jealousy, as this book assures, is a symbol of influence. If a man in a dream experiences this feeling towards his lover - this is a bad sign. Usually he says that the dreamwalker is influenced by the narrow-minded people.

When a girl dreams that jealousy for hershows her young man - it's good. So, soon she will prevail over her principal rival. And not always it concerns relations. Maybe the dreamer is actively competing at work with his colleague. In this case, it is necessary to gather strength and make a jerk, and then the victory will not be far off.

If the woman in her dream is very jealous of her husband - this is toquarrels. And they can destroy the well-being that has been built for years. But when she herself is experiencing this feeling in relation to her lover - should in real life to wait for unpleasant surprises. Perhaps it turns out that the person she sincerely loves has grown cold to her and has long been carried away by another.

dream interpretation jealousy in a dream

Modern dream book

Jealousy, a dream of a man, from this book of interpretations means that in his real life he communicates with superficial people who do not deserve his attention.

In general, they say that this feeling isreflection of various problems, which, as a rule, concern the dreamer's relationship. But do not think that they concern treason, for example, or lies. It can be an ordinary insult, lost somewhere in the depths of the soul, for example.

But to feel jealousy in a dream, but notmanifest it - to the rapid clarification of relations in reality. But in general, the value of vision is good. So says the dream book. Jealousy in a dream in this context means that after the resolution of long-standing questions, peace will come.

 dream-book jealousy in a dream to her husband

Details of the vision that need to be considered

Of course, many interesting things can telldream book. Jealousy, however, is a generalized concept, and in order to fully understand what this vision portends, it is necessary to take into account the details. So, for example, if a woman saw her husband complaining to her and not being shy, as they say, "dripping on brains" for no reason - this is for minor troubles in real life. And they will not only touch families.

But when a girl is jealous of her chosen oneneighbor - to quarrels and disassembly. If a man saw in a dream, how his lover communicates with another, and felt a strong attack of jealousy - then it's time to become more self-confident. Such advice is given by the dream book.

Jealousy in a dream to her husband is usually not groundless -so experts believe. And even if the elect of the dreamer really attracts the attention of potential rivals, then she should not worry. He is not going to change. And it's better for a girl to stop being jealous - this can in the end offend her chosen one. Men often perceive this feeling as distrust.

dreamlike dream in a dream

Other interpretations

It should also be noted thattells an English dream book. Jealousy in a dream to a guy usually reflects the state of mind of a girl. Perhaps she feels that she was left out. It is possible that in real life it is accompanied by a sense of uselessness or inferiority.

If the dreamer's jealousy is not manifested in any way andhe experiences it within himself - that is to fulfill desires. But to show it in relation to someone (not necessarily to your second half) - to troubles and great anxiety. By the way, if a dreamer in real life is engaged in business, then such visions can promise him unforeseen circumstances related to work. There is a risk of getting bogged down in debt or incurring losses.

By the way, the dream book of the wanderer tells that ifthe girl sees how jealous of her with the one with whom she has a relationship at the moment, then this is a very good sign. Hence, the feelings in the pair will only grow stronger. And the relationship, most likely, will come to a new level. But the main thing is that those who are jealous should not have tears in their eyes or tantrums. This is not good. Such a vision usually means that the dreamer involuntarily offended the loved one and does not even suspect it.

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