/ What does the deceased relatives dream about? Opinions and guesses

What does the deceased relatives dream about? Opinions and guesses

When relatives and relatives leave us forever, wevery much we experience and we mourn. It is hard for us to realize that it is more in this life not to see their happy smile, not to hear a familiar voice, not to feel the warmth of this person's embrace. How much was not said to them! So it would be desirable to meet at least in a dream and talk, learn how they are there, in the sky, and ask for all forgiveness. And they sometimes come to us in dreams. What is it for? With what can you relate their arrival? How to explain such a dream?

Everything is obvious

What does the deceased relatives dream about?
Psychologists, academics, studying humanconsciousness, doctors give a clear explanation of why in a dream the brow sees the deceased, what the dead relatives are dreaming of. This is the work of the brain and our memory. The brain works tirelessly. All emotions, thoughts and emotions he zealously stores in memory. In reality, people are very worried because of the death of their loved one. He wants to see him again alive and healthy. The brain continues to work during sleep. And it is obvious that he through dreams shows human thoughts, like a movie.

Mages of a different opinion

Mages and sorcerers, healers and presidents are very differentopinions. They clearly give an explanation of what the deceased relatives are dreaming of: people who have left us "from there" want to bring some information to this world. From the fact that a deceased person will say or show in a dream, it is possible to gather a lot of information. Representatives of the magical world are advised to remember how events develop in a dream, about what they say, what

What does a dead relative dream about?
the participants are sleeping.Having collected all the information, you can answer what the deceased relatives are dreaming of. For example, if the deceased calls for himself, or the sleeper follows him, then this is an unkind sign, symbolizing an imminent death. It is also bad if the sleeper takes something from the hands of the deceased. If the departed relative is dressed in light clean clothes, then this indicates that he is well, calmly. Dirty rags symbolize that the deceased was forgotten, badly remembered and did not spend the last journey as it should.

Telling what the deceased relatives dream about,should emphasize that often the arrival of the deceased in a dream is associated with good events. It is said that sometimes they come to their close relatives in a dream, to suggest how to avoid problems, congratulate or ask for anything. Perhaps, the deceased person did not finish any work during his lifetime, and now he does not give rest. Live should help him in this.

As the Church explains the dream

What does the deceased relatives dream of?
Church ministers are convinced that such a dream isa message from heaven, from the Kingdom of Heaven. They give a clear explanation of what the deceased relatives are dreaming of. So, you need to order a service, go to the cemetery, remember and be sure to put a candle for the rest. They say that such simple actions on the part of the living will make it easier for those who have completed their earthly existence and gone to God.

The People's Sign

In the people there are many legends and signs,explaining to what the deceased relatives are dreaming. Folk wisdom says that often the deceased dreams about changing weather, to rain. And in this belief it's hard not to believe. Because the weather on the planet is very changeable.

Short conclusions

You can not believe in the other world and continuelife of the soul in heaven, do not betray the signs, and do not pay attention to how it advises you to commemorate the departed church. On the other hand, no one knows what happens to us after death. Perhaps, there really is another world in another dimension. Yes, it is unreal, it's hard to believe in it and to check its existence. But just imagine for a moment that life after death continues. Perhaps our departed relatives really continue to keep in touch with us and through dreams help, warn, prompt ...

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