/ / The spell on Ivan Kupala. Love Privorot

Privorot on Ivan Kupala. Love Privorot

The Day of Ivan Kupala is one of the fewpre-Christian holidays, known to our contemporaries. Today it is considered informal and is marked seriously solely by people who are fond of Slavic traditions. Due to its specific color, the holiday of Ivan Kupala often inspires the organizers to hold thematic entertainment events. And yet, the knowledge and wisdom of our ancestors should not be completely denied. This day has a special magical power. Ideally it is suitable for love of fortune-telling, you can try and make love spell on Ivan Kupala.

History of the day of Ivan Kupala

Privorot on the ivan of the bathhouse
The night of Ivan Kupala is traditionally celebrated from 6 to 7July (summer solstice). If you believe the legend, it is at this midnight that the fern blossoms only once a year. Alternative name of the holiday - Kupala night. Our ancestors believed that it was on the eve of the summer solstice that various rituals should be held and that the future should be predicted. Traditionally, this holiday is associated with water, fire and magical herbs. Fires began to be burned in the evening, and before sunrise one had to bathe in a pond. The main part of the celebration was at night. Particular importance Kupala night has for love affairs. Young girls wondered about the narrowed ones, lovers performed marriage ceremonies and gave each other vows. Many representatives of the fair sex made a love spell on Ivan Kupala, wishing to achieve mutual love from his chosen one. So why do not we follow the traditions of our ancestors and try to use the magic of the Kupala night in our own interests?

The safest plot of love

What is the date of the ivan bathing
Love magic is a delicate matter.It is believed that it is not at all desirable for "non-specialists" to perform any rituals. And this is really so, because even the slightest error in magical manipulations can drastically change the degree and direction of the impact. But even if the ritual is executed in compliance with all the rules, the probability of a "rollback" is high - some negative consequences for the person who performed the rite. We bring to your attention a simple love spell on a loved one who is guaranteed not to harm either side. To perform this ritual, you will only need a photo of your beloved and five large church candles. You need to prepare in advance, because the spell will work best if you make it at night. Remember, what number Ivan Kupala - from 6 to 7 July.

The best time for this rite is 5am on July 7th.Put the candles in a row and light them one by one. Before burning candles, put a photo of your chosen one. Sit for a few minutes, watch the flame and think about the beloved. Then concentrate and say the plot: "Ivan, came bathing and did not fall. Please give me his feelings, let him love me alone and breathe me only. I ask how a wounded heart, loving to ask, can fulfill my request! Amen, amen, amen! "Then you have to wait for the candles to burn to the end, continuing to think about your beloved man.

Rite of love with a fern

Strong love spell
If you are not afraid of darkness and loneliness, you cantry to make a traditional strong love spell with a fern. This plant grows in any forest, and thanks to large leaves can be seen from afar. In the Kupala night, the girl must go alone to the forest. Do not tell anyone about your intention and try not to talk with anyone on the way. In the forest, you need to pick up the leaves of the fern and find the aspen. Sit down, leaning against the tree with your back. Bite yourself with a fern and read the plot: "Dry, grass, wither, dry! Let my dear friend, the servant of God, also die for me ... (the name of your chosen one). Amen! "After uttering the last words, tie an armful of ferns to the aspen tree and leave the forest without turning around.

Ritual with a loved one on the holiday of Ivan Kupala

Love spell on a loved one
Kupala night is considered a holiday todayinformal and informal. However, despite this circumstance, many followers of the Slavic traditions celebrate it. Conduct on the night of 6 to 7 July and theme parties entertainment. One of the traditional bathing entertainment is paired jumping over the fire. If you and your loved ones will have the opportunity to participate in such a rite, even for fun, you can make a powerful spell on Ivan Kupala. You will have to learn the magical words in advance. Say this conspiracy to yourself, looking at the fire. Remember the magical words: "The flame is burning hot, darkens the night. Love keeps the mystery of the fire, narrowed ... (name) to me will enchant. As for the hands we take, so we will merge forever, do not separate us, do not divide! Scrapie, fire, our love and connect the heart! "Once you read the plot, it's time to jump over the fire with your lover. On this ritual can be considered complete, try not to depart from each other for long before the end of the holiday.

Strong ceremony for mutual love in an unheated bath

The Kupala night has traditionally been associated withelements of fire and water. If you have access to an unheated sauna, you can make a strong spell on a man on Ivan Kupala. To perform this rite, you will need a basin of water, salt, bread and a new handkerchief. After entering the bath, pour water into the basin. Throw a pinch of salt in it, and then cross the pelvis with a piece of black bread. Read the plot: "People without bread and salt do not live. So the servant of God ... (name) without the servant of God's beloved ... (his name) and step will not be able to step. Bread feeds, water pours, and you will always remember me. May it be so. Amen. "Having finished reading the plot, eat the bread. Then rinse the handkerchief in the water. After that, it must be dried and put in the pocket of the chosen one. The artefact can also be donated to your lover.

Divination in the Kupala night

Love spell on the man on the ivana swim
Night on Ivan Kupala is considered a special timefor a variety of magical manipulations. In ancient times, young girls gathered near large reservoirs to pay for love. The most popular divination is on wreaths. We need to weave a wreath with my own hand from meadow and forest grass. It is desirable to install a candle in it. After that, the ready-made wreath descends into the water surface of the lake or river. If your headdress quickly drowns, then feelings are not reciprocal. In this case, the love spell on Ivan Kupala can help correct the situation. A long and happy life with loved ones is guaranteed by those whose wreaths will swim further than the rest.

Folk signs

Privorot on the night of Ivan the Bather
Our ancestors believed that in the Kupala night of witchesand sorcerers have a special power. In order to protect themselves from their negative effects, it is enough to put a bunch of fern on the threshold. It's good to make love spell on Ivan Kupala. But if a girl is not in love with a particular young man, one can try to provoke a prophetic dream. To dream a betrothed, it's enough to put a plantain under the pillow. If you are keen on collecting medicinal herbs, try to collect them in the Kupala night. It is believed that the plants harvested on this holiday have a special power. For those who want to get rid of the negative and protect themselves from the evil eye, there is a very simple rite. You need to go around the fire three times, without stopping and not talking to anyone. Think about your own positive future, imagine how the heat of fire envelops you with your protection.

Reviews of the sorrow in the night of Ivan Kupala

Love Privorot on Ivana batala
What is the probability that the spell on the night ofWill Ivan Kupala act? Most people who seek help with magic do not like to talk about the rituals performed. And yet you can meet anonymous responses about how magical manipulations have made it possible to achieve the desired and radically change their destiny. Experienced psychics say that human faith is very important. Carrying out a love ritual, one must take seriously all actions and not even doubt the effectiveness of this influence. You know the number of Ivan Kupala, so why not ask for help in personal matters from the higher forces?

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