/ / Providence is ... The concept and essence of the term

Providence is ... The concept and essence of the term

Many years ago, people realized that in the universe theyfar from alone. There is something higher, something more developed than all of humanity together. At all times this "something" had different names: the Messiah, the god, the demon, the higher mind, however, the essence of this does not change. All beliefs in such a supernatural power are based on the fact that it is at its level of development higher, and this, in turn, gives it the opportunity to manage the affairs and destiny of mankind. But here there is one tricky question. How does the higher mind "regulate" human actions? In the process of studying this difficult issue, scientists called such a phenomenon by providence.

Providence: a general characteristic of the term

In the narrowest sense, providence is a processinfluence, regulation and coordination of people, their behavior, destiny, process of life, feelings and emotions by some supernatural being, in other words, a deity. Such a definition of the term is very complicated and incomprehensible, but even here one can single out a rational grain. Scientists suggested that God still exists. Moreover, having reason and power, it is able to influence the world of people. Thus, providence is the activity of a supernatural being called the god.

providence is

Вопрос провидения всегда будоражил умы учёных на for many centuries. For the first time, philosophers of ancient Greece engaged in this problematics. It is due to their reasoning that scientists of other branch sciences (theology, history and logic) can not simply assume, but take advantage of the knowledge gained previously about the issue of providence.

Providence in philosophy

Представители многих философских школ they developed their understanding of the term providence. Each of the theories has the right to life, as today it is not known how this "mechanism" actually works. It should be noted that all theories are based on the same - divine intervention in human affairs. But the principle of "action" in each theory is excellent. For example, Socrates understood the action of the higher mind as the foundation of the foundations of good. But such a statement in many respects does not correspond to reality, because it throws out all manifestations of human evil. A completely different understanding of Providence is given by Philo of Alexandria. According to his theory, providence is the actions of the supreme deity or mind, aimed at achieving equilibrium in the world by using all the necessary methods. This is the cause of the appearance of evil, because it is not always possible to achieve the desired result with the help of good.

Providence is a significant part of the whole of ancient philosophy. This knowledge developed and eventually pumped into religious beliefs, which began active development during the Middle Ages.

Holy Providence

Religion and philosophy are connected with each other.But if in philosophy many points of view are allowed, then religion basically resorts to the imperative method of fixing one, the predominant point of view.

God's Providence

Take, for example, Christianity. In the context of this religion, God's providence выступает в качестве средства, с помощью которого God rules everything and everything on this earth. The purpose of such a "work" is the plans of God, which he wishes to accomplish. According to religious belief, by providence, God controls and influences absolutely everything: life, nature, destiny, the universe, actions of people, etc. God is eternal, therefore he does everything for mortals to live in harmony with the world around them, and for this, total control of the entire universe is needed.

Inaccuracies of religious belief in providence

God's providence has a number of inaccuracies.For example, the concept of absolute control is contrary to the presence of consciousness in humans. God gave all people the freedom to choose, so why now choose it. The moment of existence of the world itself is also incomprehensible. If the higher reason is "in charge" of everyone, then can we call our existence a reality. Such questions arise constantly in the process of studying the factor of Providence. Many scientists tried to answer them, but almost all of them failed.

holy providence

In conclusion, it should be noted that providence isthe belief of the man himself in the supernatural and in his power to change the habitual. We create deities for ourselves, and all life is in our hands. The forerunner of Providence is the man himself, but this is a completely different theory.

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