/ Which stone suits Scorpions? Consider options

Which stone suits the Scorpions? Consider options

People already in ancient times appreciated the natural beauty andrare gems. Since ancient times, precious stones have been used not only in ornaments, but also in witchcraft, astrological and medical rituals. Stones were worn as talismans and amulets, protecting the owner from troubles, driving away evil spirits, protecting from poisons, granting the owner health, love, luck.

There are superstitions associated with many precious stonesand mystical stories. And each of them has its own legend. For example, pearls are dew, a tear of the goddess of love, and turquoise was formed from the bones of the deceased from a high sense of people.

Which stone suits Scorpio
Long since precious stones have been considered the bestconductors of energy, negative and positive. That is why astrologers from different countries have made a calendar in which stones are described, suitable for different signs of the Zodiac. As everyone already knows, there are 12 symbolic signs, each of which comes with its own gems. Today we will find out which stone suits the Scorpions.

And what do we know about scorpions?According to the myths of Greece, the goddess Artemis woke Scorpio so that he killed the hunter Orion, who was proud that he could track down and catch any animal. A small scorpion surreptitiously crept up to the giant Orion and, stinging, poisoned him with poison. For this, the gods carried him to the starry sky and placed among the constellations. In addition, it was the scorpion that frightened the horses of Phaethon's chariot - they got off the right track, and Phaethon was killed.

In different sources it is said whichto wear stones, but the opinions of esotericists are sometimes contradictory - a Scorpio stone on a horoscope is difficult to determine. The most favorable minerals for them are alexandrite, apatite, gagat, hematite, garnet, corral, opal and topaz. And you need to wear mixes of 3-5 stones. Representatives of this sign like to wear blood-red stones - this is the Scorpion mascot. For female Scorpios, framing does not really matter, because they are suitable for many metals.

Talisman of Scorpio

Alexandrite - about him you can say that in it"a green morning and a bloody evening" are concluded. Helps to develop spiritually, helps, when inappropriately stubborn Scorpios need diplomacy. It is believed that he can stop bleeding and treats diseases of the circulatory system. In Russia, he is considered a widow. It should be worn with several alexandrites, as alone it can cause harm to the owner.

Coral - a talisman of those who are not indifferent to magic.The stone will protect against accidents, take away from sin, prevent illnesses, sharpen intuition and strengthen memory. Helps to suppress hatred, envy, anger, emotional stress - this mineral is the answer to the question of which stone suits the Scorpio. Women are recommended to wear white corral, and men - red.

Apatite, they say, has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland and the nervous system. Helps to maintain stress resistance. It is recommended to wear rescuers, policemen, doctors.

According to popular beliefs, the jet (black amber) relievesnightmares and childhood fears. He rewards his master with luck and courage. The black dagger accumulates fears and flushes sadness. What kind of stone suits Scorpion introverts? Of course, the jet.

Scorpio's stone on a horoscope

Hematite, or blood, will suit persistent andstrong people, because he is able to accumulate energy. It should be worn in silver. In the summer it heals in the sun, and he warms up from the body in winter and gives heat to the owner.

The pomegranate has the ability to purify the mind and soul, gives clarity to feelings and thoughts, helps to concentrate attention. Wearing a pomegranate necklace helps with head and throat diseases.

If you doubt which stone suits Scorpios for a gift, choose a pomegranate, and from ornaments a pomegranate bracelet.

Opal helps reveal hidden talents, but you need to focus on one goal, rather than spray.

Topaz helps to increase intuition.In the last century, girls, prone to throat diseases, ordered suspensions with topaz. The stone can share with the owner its strong energy and teach such qualities as honesty, generosity, honesty, which will not prevent the cunning sign of the Zodiac.

Which stone suits the Scorpions?Indeed, a difficult question, especially if it is a gift, but often the signs of the Zodiac are not related to personal preferences, so it's better to ask a loved one what kind of gem he would like to see on himself.

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