/ / What is it - the Moon, a planet that revolves around the Earth?

What is it - the Moon, a planet that revolves around the Earth?

Луна так же, как и все планеты нашей солнечной system, is of great importance in astrology and has a tangible impact on people. For many millennia, there is a system of reading lunar days, which allows you to determine

that revolves around the earth
astrological influence of the Moon on a person in theor some other day. It takes into account all phases of the Earth satellite and records the time of their peaks. After all, for a long time everyone knows the dependence on the lunar phase of tides and also statistically recorded an increase in the number of criminal acts and accidents during the full moon period. This satellite that spins around the Earth interacting with the Sun can change the destinies of people, influencing their character and behavior.

The moon as a physical body
axis of the earth is

As you know, the Moon is closest to the Earthcelestial bodies and is its companion. This body that revolves around the Earth does not have an atmosphere in view of a weak field of attraction that is not capable of holding gas near the surface. In the daytime, its surface is heated to a temperature of +130 aboutWith, and in the night period cools down to -170 aboutC. On the Moon that revolves around the Earth, there are no conditions for any kind of life.

Rotating it around its axis is slow.The period is 27.3 days, while the terrestrial period is 247 hours. The Earth's axis is an imaginary core, around which the planet makes a daily rotation. According to the earthly time, the length of the lunar day is about two weeks. The motion of the Moon around the Earth takes place in an elliptical orbit. Just like the new moon, full moons occur every 29.53 days in terrestrial time. This period is called the "synodic month". During this time, the Moon comes back to its place in relation to the Sun.

The astrological significance of the moon

Since it carries confidential information,a person can unravel his space program, analyzing its position in the horoscope. Mysterious and mystical astronomical object that revolves around the Earth, has an impact on the subconscious and the human soul, on the nervous system, intuition, mood. The moon manages hidden natural forces, and the energy of this influence depends on the phase in which the celestial body is located. Each phase gives it a certain strength, which is associated with a change in the distance from the Sun, because the Moon interacts with it. There are four phases, each of which carries special information.

the motion of the moon around the earth
The influence of the phases of the moon on us

When the heavenly body that revolves around the Earth,is in the phase of growth, a person acquires from him an increase in emotional sensations and their surge. As for the flawed Moon, it displaces emotions, during this period they are hidden, and they can only be perceived at the internal level. People are emotionally slowed down and become less sensual. The more the Moon is at a greater distance from the Sun, the freer it is. When it is difficult for the individual to control his feelings, they are very strong and unchained, and they break out, at this time the Moon is in opposition to the Sun. Each phase lasts about a week. This heavenly object expresses the primary feminine principle, located in every person, regardless of sex. It reveals our hidden inner processes and qualities of the soul.

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