In ancient times, great scientists considered the basis of the essenceworld number. The magic square, the secret of which is that the sum of the numbers in the formed square in each horizontal, in every vertical, and in each diagonal is the same, bears within itself this essence.
The magic square of Pythagoras, "attracting" the energy of wealth, was compiled by the founder of numerology Pythagoras.
The great scientist, who founded the religious and philosophical doctrine and proclaimed quantitative relations the basis of things, believed that the date of birth of a person is its essence.
How does the magic square work?
The first horizontal row of the square is formed by numbers:day, month and year of birth of a person. For example, the date of birth of a person corresponds to 9.08.1971. Then the first number in the square will be 9, which is written to the first cell. The second number is the number of the month, that is 8.
In the second row of the square,corresponding to the name, patronymic and surname of a person in numerology. Each letter has its own digital meaning. Figures can be obtained from the table of correspondence of letters and numbers by numerology. Next, you need to sum the names of the name, patronymic and surname and bring them to simple values.
The second row of the square is filled with the resulting figures. The fourth number corresponds to the number of the name, the fifth to the patronymic, and the sixth to the surname. Now we have the second line of the energy square.
The further principle of how the magic square works is based on astrology.
The seventh digit corresponds to the number of the sign of the zodiacrights. Aries is the first digit under the digit 1, and then in order to the sign of Pisces 12. When filling the third row of the square, two-digit numbers should not lead to simple numbers, they all have their own meaning.
The eighth digit is the number of the sign for the eastern calendar. That is, in our version, 1971 is the year of the Cabana.
The ninth digit is a numerologicalhuman desire code. For example, a person tends to have excellent health, therefore, you need to find the numbers corresponding to the letters in this word. The result is the sum of 49, which is then simplified by adding up to 4. The numbers from 10 to 12, as is the case with the zodiac sign of a person, are not required to be reduced. Now, knowing how the magic square works, you can easily make it up and carry it around, like a talisman, or arrange it like a picture and hang it at home.