A person in the process of growing upself-identification, self-awareness in society. Before him, the question arises, what is characteristic of religious consciousness. From childhood it becomes clear that there are different religions. There are those who do not believe in anything. How to determine the religious consciousness, how does it differ from the national one, for example? Let's figure it out.
Религиозное общественное сознание существует as much as a person. The gods began to think up when, so to speak, they got off the branches. Of course, one should not understand what is characteristic of religious consciousness, relying only on the experience of the ancient world. But it is also impossible to reject the deep roots on which this consciousness is formed. The fact is that the process of self-realization of man is eternal. It is constantly evolving and improving, relying on the knowledge gained. The depth of the problem was formulated by Jesus when he revealed the meaning of the temple. According to him, the church is a community of believers who share rituals. That is, a religious person builds around himself some kind of reality in which certain rules operate. All his actions and thoughts are consistent with the latter. In order to understand what is characteristic of religious consciousness, it is necessary to disclose the meaning of the formation of the worldview of a person individually. It is made up of traditions, rules, behavioral patterns adopted in a given society. Part of this world is religion. With her help the personality learns to communicate with reality, which lies beyond the bounds of ordinary experience. There is a space in which we live, and the rules of behavior in it. Religious consciousness concerns the second, influencing man through the first.
It should be noted that beliefs changed induring the progressive development of mankind. In ancient times, people deified phenomena and animals, water and sky. The directions of ancient beliefs are divided into fetishism, totemism, shamanism and others. Later began to emerge the so-called national religion. They embraced more people, uniting them. For example, Chinese, Greek, Indian religions. Each of them has its own features. The essence remained the same. Religion created certain behavioral rules that are mandatory for all members of society. In this way, an understanding of one’s place in the world was introduced into the human psyche. He seemed to rise above the semi-animal existence. He opened a different reality, contributing to the development of intelligence, the creative process. Monotheism arose about two thousand years ago. It further limited the animal instincts of man by introducing the concepts of sin and conscience into society. It turns out that religious consciousness is an intellectual superstructure over the physical world, an artificially created reality with which a person must coordinate their actions.
If you look closely at all known to usbeliefs, it can be distinguished in them in common. They will be behavioral restrictions recognized by the community. That is, for religious consciousness is characterized by the perception of moral norms. These are unwritten rules recognized by all members of the community. They are so deeply rooted in the minds of people that their violation is an extraordinary act. Religious consciousness includes centuries of folding traditions, rules, norms, useful for the development of mankind. For example, the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” is accepted by people, since it helps population growth. Let it look mundane, not spiritually, but any religion has developed laws that promote the preservation of the society that it united. Otherwise it was difficult to survive in antiquity. And now with the development of science and technology, moral norms have not lost their progressive meaning. Unfortunately, they are changing, not always useful. An example would be the recognition in the countries of the West gay marriage. This is an artificially inculcated attitude towards reproductive function, as unnecessary, not sacred.
Questions of religious consciousness are very complex andimportant to society. Without their understanding the harmonious development of the personality is impossible. And let it exist in a kind of unreal, mythical world, but allows different people to interact normally, avoiding confrontation and catastrophes.