/ / Adeline. Name, meaning, fate

Adeline. Name, meaning, destiny

Adeline is a name whose meaning is Greekthe roots. It is translated as "noble." Adeline is reasonable, calm and modest. She is very gentle, but at the same time vulnerable. From an early age shows independence. She herself decides where to go and what to do at the moment. If her parents try to control Adeline, she becomes annoyed. She becomes secretive. Adeline - the best assistant. She will be happy to help her mother look after her younger sisters or brothers. Loves to read and do needlework.

Name Adeline
Аделина - имя, значение которого говорит о high intelligence and curiosity of its carrier. Adeline learns well, although some tightness prevents her from fully revealing. The girl has an excellent ear for music and can achieve great success in this direction. Growing up, shy Adeline will steer clear of crowded and noisy companies. She will become strong morally, but her childish sensitivity will remain. Adeline - optimist. She has a ringing laugh, prefers unusual styles of clothing. She tastes great. She loves to travel.

Adeline name value
The value of the name Adeline says that sheabsolutely not vain. In her work distinguished such qualities as punctuality, responsibility and accuracy. She will never let her colleagues down. That is why they trust her and always ask her advice.

Аделина – имя, значение которого говорит о том, that she is a great worker and the person you can rely on. For that, they respect her. It cannot be said that career advancement is of great importance to her. The name may affect her fate. Adeline can make a good tennis player, gymnast, swimmer. Parents should help the girl to develop fighting qualities. In extreme situations, Adeline can get together, concentrate and calmly make the right decision. She practically does not make mistakes. Can be firm and persistent, if you are sure that you are right.

Value name
In the personal life of Adeline is lucky.She is a very good friend, and her friendship with the opposite sex turns into love. She will marry unnoticed by the people around her. If the lover can win her confidence, she will be revealed as a beautiful wife, caring mother. Adeline loves to receive guests and treat them to self-prepared dishes. She will always support her husband in difficult moments. If you need to protect children, she will turn from a meek lamb into a lioness. In marriage, Adeline is hardy and patient. She herself is not inclined to treason, so she really appreciates loyalty. To close people she is very devoted. Most of all she likes to spend time at home. She likes to create warmth and comfort. She has few friends, only one or two, but the most reliable. In intimate relationships, she is compliant, tender. Fulfills all the desires of her husband, but for that, time must pass. Adeline loves animals, especially cats and dogs.

Adeline is a name whose meaning determines that her stone is lapis lazuli, and the color that suits her is violet.

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