/ / Zodiac signs. Characteristics of the Lion-Woman

Zodiac signs. Characteristics of the Lion-Woman

Coco Chanel, Madonna.These two great women are united by their zodiacal affiliation - Leo. Characterization of the Lion-woman fully corresponds to the queen of all beasts of the lioness and her fiery temperament. Women-Lions are proud, go through life with their head held high. Perfectly describes such a woman phrase "a cat, walking by itself."

characteristic of the lion of a woman

Characteristics of the sign. Lion-Woman

The fire endowed her with life energy,purposefulness, ability to go out worthy of life's troubles. They go through life like queens, proud, not allowing anyone to step over their own principles. The characteristic of the Lion-woman is like a torch. It will burn and waste its energy both at home and family, and at a career and society. Since childhood, little Lioness, most likely, was the leader among peers, the same status was preserved by an adult and elegant lady. At the subconscious level, they feel their superior superiority, but in that she was born a special royal family, she is not at all guilty. The main characteristic of the Lion-woman is her egocentrism and pride, sometimes even excessive. If you just want to meet her, you should stock up with good compliments and expensive exquisite gifts. It will be much easier for you to marry her if you are a Crown Prince or a purebred nobleman. With such a woman it is necessary to treat, as with the queen, to put her higher, to respect and emphasize dignity.

characteristic sign of the lion woman
But still, if you are a self-confident person andto the same laconic, will have to choose a companion easier and without the "blue blood" as a Lion-woman. Characteristics of the sign sometimes makes our heroine a victim of his own illusions. They are extremely averse to flattery, and even the one that is too obvious. But this happens only because she is unshakably confident in her dignity.

Characteristics of the Lion-Woman in the Family

The man she chooses should,undoubtedly, be higher than her by social status, stronger than her. She is a passionate nature and gives herself up to love completely without fear of condemnation, but she is treated very seriously. The husband of the Lioness woman can consider herself a lucky beggar. Behind her hardness of spirit is disinterested and gentle nature. The family for her above all else. To her husband she is not inclined to change, except for the situation when a break is already inevitable. She is affectionate with her close ones, but keeps distance with other people. Her husband will support in any critical situation. As a real lioness, the Lion woman will never let her children offend, give them everything she needs, but she will not give up personal principles.

lion woman characteristic

Characteristics of the Lion-Woman and Compatibility with Other Signs

A good alliance will be obtained from female Lionesses withmale Gemini, Cancer, Taurus. With the first they have a similar way of life, and the second and third are patient enough, economic and know how to earn. Leo and Virgo do not get along together under the same roof, tk. The virgin will not stand the personal pressure of Lioness. Pisces and Capricorns absolutely do not fit the ardent Lioness. They are silent, like solitude and are not at all inclined to give the opposite sex a sign of attention.

To conquer this woman, she must be approached as a high and unapproachable rock, carefully prepared and gathering strength.

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