Each religion has its own Holy Book, inwhich outlines all the dogmas, morals and history of the people. Since most of the inhabitants of Russia are related to Christianity, their Bible is the Bible. About how to treat it, there are still disputes: some regard it as a collection of myths, others rely on a reliable historical source, others worship everything that is said there as a law. But many of the people do not know who the Bible is written, at what time and what contributed to its creation. So now let's try to understand these religious secrets and discover a new page of being.
Also answering the question about who was writtenThe Bible, it should be noted that all of its authors had different origins. Someone was from the Middle East - from Syria, Palestine, Phenicia. Some authors (mostly their records refer to the Old Testament) came from Egypt. The creators of the newer parts of the book lived in Europe, although their number is insignificant.
However, without looking at the huge difference in time, andalso in the geographic location of the situation, the authors were able to hold together the single idea that the Holy Scriptures bring to us today - God is the Creator of everything that surrounds us. So now it does not matter who wrote the Bible, and at what time, because all its parts were formed into one. There are collected various prophecies that came true and continue to come true (what was said in the Old Testament was realized at the beginning of the New Era, and the prophecies made during the life of Jesus became reality after hundreds of years), instructive stories, facts from the lives of various people and other.
Very often people are looking for an answer to the question of whowrote the first Bible, that is, who made the very first record, which became the starting point in the development of world religion? Christianity originates from the lands of Egypt, where the Prophet Moses lived, better known as Moses. He created the so-called lists, which later became known to us sections: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The authors of other parts of the Bible were his successors, among whom is to highlight Joshua Navbin. In the Old Testament there are also 4 books of Kings that were compiled by the prophets Nathan, Samuel, Jeremiah. A widely spread and widely read Psalter belongs to David.
After the foretold Messiah appeared on thelight and took upon all the sins of man, the collection of prophecy became the Holy of Holies for his disciples. Luke, John, James, Matthew Peter, Paul - known to all the names of the apostles.
Completely understand who wrote the Bible, and whyThese predictions began to attach so much importance, it is not easy. It is believed that all the prophets who left their records in it were the messengers of the Lord.