/ / Secrets of dreams: what are they talking about? Dream Interpreter. The death of a loved one - what does this mean?

The secrets of dreams: what are they talking about? Dream Interpreter. The death of a loved one - what does this mean?

dream dream of a loved one
Explanations of dreams of this kind there is a greatset, but this does not guarantee that one of them will suit you. A dream book will help in clarifying the vision. The death of a loved one is nevertheless treated differently in all publications. And now we will look at some of the meanings.

You can read the interpretation of Nostradamus,opening his dream book. The death of a loved one, seen in a dream, in his opinion, does not foretell anything bad. On the contrary, it speaks about the long and happy life of a person who dreamed of you in this way.

Loff presents us with another dream book.The death of a loved one is considered in it taking into account the psychological aspects. For example, this rather unpleasant night vision can reflect your best feelings towards the person you see, caring for her and her well-being. Death itself is a kind of symbol of the fact that in your soul you now mix ambiguous feelings for this person, or rather love and anger, suppressed by you. If you saw the death is not a relative, and your second half, then such a dream can mean the completion of your relationship.

dream dream of close people
Let's study one more dream book. The death of a loved one, as Miller explains, warns you about the upcoming trials.

There are other interpretations of such dreams.Uncle Freud gave us his dream book. The death of close people, which you saw in your dreams, he explains by the fact that in reality you secretly or subconsciously want it. Usually such visions come to the children or to people who are still not accustomed to this world and are not able to assume the burden of responsibility for themselves and their actions. However, if you, seeing this death, did not cry and did not utter a tear, it could symbolize your great desire to meet the dreamed person in this dream.

dreamed of the death of a loved one
There is a probability that in the dream books you will not finda true explanation of why you dreamed of the death of a loved one. After all, such dreams can be caused by a number of other reasons. For example, you all the family sat down to watch a movie, a horror movie or an action movie. If you are negative about the bloody pictures presented on the screen, or simply terribly afraid to see them, but at the same time watch the movie, then a restless night is guaranteed to you. People, their faces, your feelings when you browse are mixed - and voila! - Here's a nightmare. Confirmation of such an explanation may be that the cause of death of a person close to you in a dream was a tool, a creature or a person whom you saw in that film. If so, in most cases, such a dream does not foretell anything, but only displays the information you received during wakefulness.

Dreams are a mysterious part of our life, so farnot fully studied. Some visions can warn us about something, others can not mean anything. And it's so hard to figure out what to listen to, and what to forget and not to remember anymore. And how it is insulting and bitter, if suddenly we make the wrong choice and get into unpleasant situations that could have been avoided. But this does not mean that every new day you have to start by scrolling through the dream book. Just learn to trust your feelings and intuition.

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