A lot of the nature of the person will tell the sign of the zodiac.This knowledge helps to understand your own psychology and to understand the individual traits of both your own and those around you. The constellation Scorpio is considered unique, multifaceted and very interesting. The character of people born under this symbol is changeable and highly unpredictable. Nevertheless, astrologers managed to unravel their innermost secrets. On the secrets of nature and how to make friends with Scorpios, you will learn further from the article.
Stars play a big role in the life of a particular person. They are responsible for our feelings. In heaven, it is decided who we will feel affection for, and with whom we will not wish to be friends.
The planet defenders are Mars and Pluto,which are distinguished by aggressive energy. Nevertheless, their magic well affects the character of Scorpio. Men who were born under this sign, by nature endowed with imperturbable perseverance. This leads them to the goal. Women have to make great efforts in order to achieve the desired. But since childhood they are haunted by luck. Accidental meetings, useful acquaintances, pleasant people "fall" to them straight from heaven.
Astrologers are especially interested in the fate of women,born under these stars. Horoscopes assure: the beautiful half of humanity, whose patron are these stars, can safely buy lottery tickets. They are pursued by fortune. If the number is unprofitable, then the other lady is 100% lucky.
Character traits of Scorpio also do not go unnoticed. A keen mind, an excellent sense of humor, a subtle perception of art and the ability to captivate - all this is the trump card in the sleeves of the ladies.
All girls born under this constellation are beauties. Even if their faces and figures do not meet the standards of modern fashion, all the same - their fate to attract the views of men.
From early childhood, shows his temperScorpio girl. Her nature and character are especially bright if there are other children in the family besides her. Attention close and relatives should belong to her entirely. The baby can achieve her goal in two absolutely opposite ways. The first one is versatile talents: from excellent grades in school to significant makings in creativity.
The second option is mischievous behavior and social excitement. A child who does not receive the desired attention from his parents will compensate for the lack of friendships.
At the school desk, the student is interested in accuratescience, although by nature it is easy to give humanities knowledge. Reflect, "what could happen if ...", such a person does not like. All questions must have specific answers - that is the motto of Scorpio. The nature and basic principles are formed in childhood.
Youth passes very rapidly.Emotional and conceited student has great control over her feelings. Deftly uses weapons, which gave her stars. Her vengeful and vindictive nature will not allow her enemies to go unpunished. But the power of hate is equivalent to the power of love and affection.
Usually in adolescence making friendsScorpio girl. Its essence and character attract other, most diverse signs. If such a person feels attached to someone, then the object of these feelings can be sure that his back is always covered.
Strong and principled girl becomes weakand helpless when it comes to treason. A young lady can forgive the meanness of her friends and the infidelity of her lover, if she really feels sympathy for this man. But to endure ridicule for a long time is not her style. Friends who have deceived trust once can no longer claim a place in her heart.
The character of a female Scorpio is fairly manifest in a work environment. She is not interested in static, non-initiative professions. Such a sign needs movement.
It reaches high results inspecialties where it is necessary to find a solution to difficult logical problems. Here plays a big role love for exact objects. Scorpions make excellent doctors, scientists, journalists and law enforcement officers. Any profession, the essence of which is a puzzle, a good option for this sign.
Ladies born under this sign are orientedon a successful career. If for some reason such a woman will be forced to work at work, which does not inspire, she will get used to it. Subsequently, it will be very difficult for her to leave her comfort zone and look for new options for earning.
Единственная сфера жизни, где характер Скорпиона not tolerate mysteries - love. Heart feelings are fully controlled. Choosing who to fall in love with and with whom to start a novel is her prerogative. Usually each of the partners is waiting for the woman to take the first step. But she will easily give her heart to the one who decides to conquer the girl.
When to start a romantic relationship, at what speed they will develop and whether they will continue at all - her choice. All that bothers, she throws easily and without tearful goodbyes.
It is not uncommon for men to lose their heads because of a Scorpio woman. The character with which such ladies are endowed attracts.
In an intimate life she has no equal.She perceives sex as a challenge, because she feels in bed with her beloved, especially relaxed. With a man who has earned her trust, a woman will be ready for experiments.
If in a romantic relationship such a signimportant, then family life is full of compromises. The lady, whose heart and hand are occupied, is doing everything possible to make her half happy. After going through all the checks in the bouquet and flower period, enduring the madness and rage of a woman, a man receives a heavenly angel after the wedding. In marriage, the character of Scorpio is calm and balanced. Capriciousness disappears, but care and self-sacrifice appear.
From the beginning of marriage, the wife focuses not only on her welfare, but also on the happiness of her beloved. Under her leadership, her husband reaches new heights in his career.
But men who became companionsScorpio girls, it is worth remembering that their beloved interests many. Marriage is not a reason to think that from now on the lady’s heart is forever yours. As soon as she notices that the relationship is degraded, and love disappears, an already uncompromising girl will appear in her, who will easily file for divorce.
The ability to distinguish the crises of family life from the unwillingness of a partner to develop is a feature of Scorpio. The nature of this sign will not allow him to sacrifice himself for the pleasure of another.
In adulthood, a woman becomes a subject.pride and envy. She manages to restore order in all areas of her life. She has a loving husband, smart children, a successful career. The house is clean, there reigns peace, friendly and cozy atmosphere. Wife looks always great. Fashionably and modestly dressed, Scorpio is an icon of style.
But few understand that all these achievementsgiven to her very difficult. Great work has been invested in every corner of her life. Often, due to excessive control and a desire to control everything, there comes a crisis. It leads to depression. The character of the Scorpio-woman is very strong. But one fight against the whole world is hard. If you constantly swim against the tide, someday the circumstances will break. And everything that she spent so much time will collapse.
Nevertheless, if there is at least one faithful friend on her side (no matter who it is - parents, lover, girlfriend, or children), she will cope with everything.
A person born under this sign hasunique characteristics. She is clever, beautiful, successful, kind and extremely sincere. Such a woman is lying awkwardly, but she recognizes a lie well. It is because of simplicity and cordiality that people are drawn to it. Friendly - this is how you can describe the character of the Scorpio. She is devoid of pride and desire to achieve success at the expense of others. That is why among her friends may be representatives of any signs.
Most often her friends are Aries, Leo and Librainherent same confidence in deeds. These people have similar principles and rules. They become a support for each other. But the girl Scorpio is very difficult to make peace with Aquarius, Gemini and Cancer, who often pull her down. The latter prefer stability, while our heroine loves excitement.
Zodiac is a complex system of relationships. Each of the symbols correspond to certain features. Sometimes a marriage becomes unhappy just because the "heavenly inhabitants" cannot find a common language between themselves.
This is especially true of this case.Difficulties on the way to happiness often creates Scorpio (zodiac sign). Character plays with him a cruel joke. On the one hand, a person born under this constellation is very friendly and open to new extraordinary acquaintances. He accepts his comrades as they are, without trying to change, correct their shortcomings.
Not everyone will understand the emotionally unbalanced nature of Scorpio. Men born under the sign of Cancer, Aries, Capricorn or Pisces will become faithful companions.
But any relationship requires tremendous work. It is good that difficulties do not frighten women born under this constellation.