Cars "Ford Focus 2" will be regularlyfunction only if the fuel is continuously supplied to the power plant. The fuel pump is responsible for this. "Ford Focus 2" is equipped with them without fail. If the pump does not work properly, this can cause the engine to not start.
Element Assembly
These vehicles are fitted with a submersibleelectric rotary pump. It is equipped with filters for coarse and fine cleaning of fuel. The device is equipped with a fuel pressure regulator. The mechanism is installed directly in the tank. This reduces the risk of the formation of steam jams.
Gasoline is supplied under pressure, and not as a resultrarefaction. The original petrol pump (Ford Focus 2, among others) is manufactured in the USA. If it is necessary to replace it, it is ideal. As for the cost of the device, the original price is about three to five thousand rubles. Similar pumps from other manufacturers are sold for one or two thousand rubles. It is not uncommon for car owners to purchase and install "BOSH" elements, which also fit the VAZ-2110. They are inexpensive and have high performance characteristics.
Common Problems
The fuel pump ("Ford Focus" 2nd generation)can fail for various reasons. A characteristic sign of a malfunction is the hum when the pump is running. Even new products can buzz. If the buzz is especially loud, then this indicates that the mechanism is burnt out. If the Ford Focus 2 petrol pump does not start, this indicates that it does not pump fuel. The engine, accordingly, can not work even at idle. Often on these cars, the elements fail because of their service life - on average one original device can work for 5-7 years.
However, this figure is directly related to qualitygasoline, which fuel the car. Sometimes even a grid of the fuel pump does not save from breakage. Ford Focus 2 refuses to start. If rust and various impurities get inside the system, this can damage the mechanism. Also among the reasons - mechanical damages of important elements of the device. The pump breaks down due to a break in its tightness.
Symptoms of malfunctions
If the speed dial does not workexactly, and there are jerks - this directly or indirectly indicates a malfunction with a gasoline pump. This happens when tubes are clogged in the fuel system. Normal circulation of fuel through the system is simply impossible. Another sign that indicates a malfunction is a strong noise, which is especially audible at idle speed in the rear of the car.
If the motor is unstable on idleThis indicates problems with the device. Also, if the pump fails, the engine speed can float. Another sign - it's difficult to start the engine, regardless of whether it's hot or cold. And, finally, fuel consumption may increase or decrease. If there is at least one sign, this indicates the need to replace the pump. It should be noted that disassembly and repair of fuel cells on the "Focus" is not carried out. The element changes entirely. You can buy the original. But it's easier and cheaper to buy a good analog. There are two options. One provides for the dismantling of the fuel tank, the second - without removal. In the case of the first method, you have to work, the replacement process is very time-consuming. The second option is more acceptable if the work is done by yourself.
How to check the petrol pump?
Before you endure the device of a death sentence,experts recommend checking it out. Testing or diagnostics will involve checking the power supply as well as pressure. The first thing to note is the fuel pump fuse. "Ford Focus 2" is equipped with those in any configuration. It is located in the immediate vicinity of the control unit.
If the component is defective, it must be replaced.Perhaps this will bring the device back to life. Further, the relay is diagnosed, which is hidden under the dashboard. It is necessary to remove the protective cover from the device and then turn on the ignition. If the relay is good, then the driver will hear a characteristic sound, like a click. If nothing happens after turning on the ignition, the pump is broken. The pressure level is checked using a pressure gauge that is pre-connected to the fuel rail. If the measuring device does not respond at the time the accelerator pedal is depressed, the car needs to be replaced by a fuel pump.
The hatch, which simplifies the dismantling
Engineers in the development of this car did not take into account,that gasoline pumps are not eternal. If you take into account where the fuel pump is located (Ford Focus 2 2.0 including), the hatch under the rear seat would be very handy - this greatly simplifies the dismantling.
And since the pump is installed directly in the tank, then forreplace the element itself. This procedure can take a long time, and it is completely impossible to replace in the field. Many owners modify the car with their own hands - make hatches to remove the pump.
How to remove the pump
The process of removing the tank and disassembling the pump is more convenientall perform on the overpass or on a pit in the garage. Specialists recommend to use protective gloves for this work. It is also important that the garage is well ventilated - in the process of work will be allocated a large volume of gasoline vapor.
The first thing to do is remove heat and a tubefilter. Further through the luggage compartment, unscrew the bolts to access the hatch of the tank. Then, disconnect the hoses coming to the pump, as well as the terminals from the sensor. If the removal of the fuel pump "Ford Focus 2" is carried out independently for the first time, experts recommend to number all hoses and wires. After that, twist the starter and start the engine of the car. The motor should work until it stalls, and the fuel system is not completely empty. Next, the pump is removed from the tank, it is worth paying attention to the O-ring. You need to be more careful with him. O-ring is very brittle. During the removal of the pump, it is recommended that all hoses and other system components be checked for integrity. If a crack is found on the element, then the damaged part must be replaced. Then pull out the fuel pump. "Ford Focus 2" continues to be on the flyover. The element is laid on a prepared rag, paper or cardboard.
Pump replacement
A new device is installed in thereverse order. At the last stage, the starter is twisted a little, so that a certain amount of fuel gets into the fuel system. At the same time, check for leaks or other defects.
Car Repair and Maintenance Specialistsrecommend to check how the car works after replacing the gasoline pump. It is best to travel in several modes. For example, it is worth to go on the highway at high speed.
Is it possible to repair Ford Focus 2 fuel pumps?
Not always the dead pump is broken completely andcompletely. Sometimes only one of the components is faulty. To determine what went wrong, you will need diagnostics. From time to time, the parts of the assembly must be washed and replaced with a filter. Also it is worth considering that it is quite difficult to disassemble the Ford Focus 2 fuel pump. Repair is only available to qualified personnel.