Chinese Oolong Tea

Chinese tea Oolong made by specialtechnology, which makes it a cross between green and red teas. Create it from leaves of a special variety, which grow only at high humidity and low temperature high in the mountains. The most valuable tea is collected in the autumn, as the sheets at this time reach the maximum size.

Manufacturing process

Collection of leaves is done manually, so thatdamage them. Harvest is sorted out and only the largest leaves are used for production. They wilted, constantly shaking, in special bamboo sieves. At the same time, the sheets are damaged, essential oils are emitted that aromatize the tea, and under the influence of the sun, a fermentation process takes place, the course of which is very carefully controlled. It should only touch the tips of the leaves that turn brown, and the middle should remain green. The fermentation process is then stopped by heating. In the case of steaming, the tea leaf will be a gentle greenish color, and the frying in the frying pan is brownish golden. The taste of tea with the second method of heating will be more spicy. Then there is a twisting or folding of leaves.

Kinds of tea

Chinese Oolong tea can beweakly fermented (leaves of light color, when brewed have a fresh floral flavor), strongly fermented (dark brown with honey aroma), flavored (with the addition of ginseng, jasmine or rose flowers). Flavored tea can be made by natural and artificial aromatization. In the first case, it is much more expensive. Therefore, the second method is often used. In addition, artificial flavors help to hide the taste flaws of low quality tea.

Welding process

Chinese tea Oolong has all the usefulproperties of green and red teas. Brew it up to 25 times. Fill the tea leaves with hot water, not with boiling water. The color can be different: light green, olive, honey or brown. By taste, it can differ depending on where the leaves are grown.


There are many varieties of this tea.One of the most famous is "Te Kuan Yin". It has been growing for 15 centuries, it has a rich and dense taste, strong aroma, it has a beneficial effect on human health. It is one of the most useful, used to prevent cancer and rejuvenate the body.

Another quality grade of this tea is "Jiang Gui". Cultivate it since the 19th century. Over time, it loses its flavor and begins to be bitter, so it's best to drink it fresh.

"Nai Xian Jin Xuan" - tea Oolong milk,which has its own manufacturing technology. He grows on the island of Taiwan in the mountainous areas at an altitude of about 1700 meters. Bushes of tea are subjected to special treatment. Their roots are watered with milk and covered with rice husks. The bush is pollinated with reed sugar solution. Otherwise, the manufacturing process is the same as for other types of Chinese oolong tea. Thanks to a special cooking technology, Chinese milk tea Oolong has an unusually aromatic creamy taste, preserves useful substances. It increases appetite, promotes digestion, freshens breath.

About the benefits of tea

Chinese Oolong tea contains tannin, caffeine,minerals, vitamins, essential oils and antioxidants. It improves the functioning of the heart, relieves headache, fatigue, tones up the body, strengthens the immune system, makes the skin more elastic and maintains it in good condition, has a rejuvenating effect on it, gives elasticity to the walls of the vessels. With regular use promotes weight loss.

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