/ / Salad of beef tongue: recipes, cooking features and reviews

Salad of beef tongue: recipes, cooking features and reviews

Beef tongue, very useful and at the same timedietary product, which is used in different cuisines of the world. Despite the fact that it belongs to the by-products, the dishes have an exquisite taste and are well absorbed. But not all the mistresses want to contact him, believing that it is difficult to prepare. In this article, recipes of the most delicious salads with beef tongue and cooking secrets will be presented.

How to choose the right one?

Before you prepare the most delicious salad with beef tongue, you should know how to choose the right product:

  1. On the offal, there should be no adipose tissue and lymphatic nodules, because before processing it is processed.
  2. The color should be pink or purple. It depends on the content of iron in the product: the more it is, the darker the color.
  3. If the color is pale - this indicates a frost, but gray indicates the product is not fresh.
  4. The byproduct must smell like meat and do not have extraneous odors.
  5. If the tongue is fresh, then it feels firm and firm to the touch. You can check this with your finger: the language should be smoothed out almost immediately.
  6. When cutting, the juice should be a clear color.
Salad from beef tongue how to cook

Features of preparation

Many recipes of beef salad use a boiled product. How can this be done correctly? Let's consider some subtleties.

  1. For sale in stores comes cleanedproduct, it is simple enough to thoroughly wash it with running water. But if purchased on the market, it is necessary to soak the tongue in cold water for an hour and then get rid of mucus and plaque.
  2. To the subproduct was juicy and tender, it is placed in water, which is previously brought to a boil (one language will need about three liters).
  3. When the water boils again, it is necessary to remove all the foam and after fifteen minutes of cooking, drain the liquid. The by-product and the pan are washed.
  4. And again put the tongue in boiling water, boil an hour on a small fire.
  5. After this time, add the spices (fresh carrots, onions, bay leaf and bell peppers). Leave on low heat for an hour.
  6. Next, remove the by-product and place under cold water. This is done in order to easily remove the upper peel.
  7. Salt the broth and put the tongue there for twenty minutes to allow it to salivate.
A simple salad recipe with beef tongue

Salad with beef tongue and mushrooms

Pre-boil 300 grams of by-product.Onion crushed in small cubes, fresh carrot tinder on a large grater and fry until golden in lean oil. Add chopped mushrooms (300 grams), salt, pepper and cook until ready.

Straw ground the main ingredient, fresh cucumber and one boiled egg. 150 grams of hard cheese is ground on a large grater. All components are mixed and dressed with mayonnaise.

Salad with tongue beef and cucumber (recipe)

300 grams of meat product is boiled andare crushed with cubes. A couple of boiled eggs and as many fresh cucumbers as well as 150 grams of cabbage (white-baked) are cut into strips. All the ingredients are mixed, add a couple of tablespoons of canned green peas and fill with mayonnaise. Salad with beef tongue and cucumber is placed on lettuce leaves and decorated with greens.

Salad with beef tongue

Warm salad

For cooking you will need:

  • a couple of boiled potatoes and as many small fresh tomatoes;
  • zucchini (eggplant), fresh cucumber, Bulgarian pepper - one piece;
  • 300 grams of boiled main ingredient (tongue);
  • one boiled egg.

Marrows are cut into thin slices and fried.The rest of the ingredients are ground with straw. A delicious salad with tongue beef is seasoned with several sauces, namely - mix a couple of tablespoons of soy, tomato sauce and olive oil. All ingredients should be warm, so after cooking the salad is immediately served on the table.

With vegetables

Consider a simple salad recipe with beef tongue and vegetables, which perfectly match with each other.

Purify one vegetable (carrots, potatoes and celery root) and boil in slightly salted water. You will also need two hundred grams of boiled tongue, an egg and one cucumber (salty).

To prepare the sauce, mix a couple tablespoons olive oil, 10 milligrams of vinegar (3 per cent) and pepper ground (black).

After all the ingredients are ground with small cubes, a salad of beef tongue can be dressed with sauce, decorated with greens and served on a table.

With apples

To prepare a delicious salad of beef tongue you will need the following ingredients:

  • A couple of green apples.
  • Three hundred grams of cooked by-product.
  • 2 pieces of boiled potatoes.
  • One cooked carrot.
  • Three boiled chicken eggs.

Apples are pre-cleaned of peel and seeds,then cut into small strips. The rest of the ingredients are cut into small cubes. All mixed, salted, peppered and dressed with mayonnaise. Before serving, a salad of beef tongue is decorated with herbs.

With nuts

Pre-boil two hundred grams of the main ingredient and three chicken eggs. Boiled products and one pickled cucumber are chopped with a thin strand.

To prepare the sauce, mix one clove of garlic (squeezed), three tablespoons of mayonnaise, press shredded walnuts and greens.

All products are mixed and seasoned with pre-prepared sauce. Before serving, decorate with nuts and greens.

Tongue of beef salad is very tasty

With the addition of ham

For an unusual salad of beef tongue you will need the following products:

  • 200 grams of boiled tongue.
  • A couple of fresh tomatoes.
  • 150 grams of ham.
  • Three cooked chicken eggs.
  • A small jar of marinated mushrooms.
  • A small bulb.
  • Mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

Beforehand, it is necessary to grind the onions andmarinate it. The main ingredient, ham, eggs and tomatoes are cut into cubes. Spread in a salad bowl: tomatoes, by-product, onion, ham, mushrooms and eggs. Each layer is well lubricated with mayonnaise. Put the salad for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

With pineapple

The subproduct perfectly harmonizes not only with vegetables, but also with fruits, namely with pineapple.

One Bulgarian pepper, 200 grams of boiled meatproduct and a couple of pieces of canned pineapple are cut into small cubes. Then, on a large grater, grind 150 grams of hard cheese, and on a small grater - one small clove of garlic. All mixed, salted and dressed with mayonnaise. Garnet grains can be used to decorate a ready-made salad.

With Asparagus

For 200 grams of boiled basic ingredient you will need:

  • three tablespoons of green peas (canned);
  • two hundred grams of asparagus;
  • two tablespoons of mayonnaise and sour cream.

Pre-cut the asparagus smallcircles and stew until ready. The by-product is ground with straw and combined with stewed vegetables, as well as with peas. For dressing mix mayonnaise and sour cream (it is better not to take fat), there also cut cut greens. Before serving, everything is thoroughly mixed and salted.

Salad with beef tongue and mushrooms

Dietary salad without mayonnaise

This recipe uses smoked tongue, and the dressing is done on the basis of mustard.

Required products:

  • one hundred grams of by-product and ham;
  • two hundred grams of boiled beef;
  • 30 grams of anchovies;
  • one salted cucumber;
  • onion;
  • greenery;
  • a tablespoon of French mustard.

All meat products are cut into strips. Onions and cucumber are crushed in small cubes. Mix all the ingredients and season with mustard. Sprinkle with greens before serving.

With beans

A couple of chicken eggs and one tongue in advanceboil. The byproduct is cut into random pieces, the eggs are rubbed on a large grater, one clove of garlic is crushed with a press. Onions are ground in half rings and fried in lean oil until golden in color. All mix and add a small jar of canned beans (it is better to use it in your own juice).

For filling mix garlic, salt, ground pepper and mayonnaise.

Sour salad with rice

To prepare you need three hundred gramsboiled main product, which is cut into cubes. Separately boil two chicken eggs and three tablespoons steamed rice. Onion is ground and doused with boiling water.

We connect beef tongue, rice, chopped eggs, a couple of tablespoons of green peas (canned), onions and greens. Season with mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste.

With canned corn

A small can of corn must be filteredfrom the liquid. Pre-boil 200 grams of tongue and half a cup of beans (you can use black, red or white). The subproduct is ground and fried in olive oil until golden, add the juice of half of the orange and evaporate it.

Then add a tablespoon of soy sauce and stew for another five minutes. In the salad bowl mix all the ingredients, add greens and add salt. You can use sour cream or mayonnaise for refueling.

The recipe for salad with tongue beef is the most delicious

With sea kale

A very useful salad that contains lots of vitamins. To make it, you need the following products:

  • 200 grams of boiled tongue;
  • 50 grams of prunes;
  • a couple of boiled eggs;
  • greenery;
  • one hundred grams of mushrooms (champignons);
  • 200 grams of pickled cabbage (sea).

Prunes should be soaked for half an hour in a warmwater. Whole mushrooms boil in a marinade for ten minutes (a liter of water will need a tablespoon of salt and 30 milligrams of apple cider vinegar). Then they throw them back on the sieve and wait until the marinade is completely drained. Strips cut (eggs, meat product, prunes and mushrooms) combine and add cabbage. All carefully mix, add greens and season with mayonnaise. For piquancy you can add hot pepper.

With the addition of cooked chicken meat

All ingredients are cut small and the samewith dice. It will take a hundred grams of boiled meat (chicken and beef tongue). And also boil one potato and carrots, a pair of chicken eggs. In the boiled and chopped foods, chopped pickled cucumber and one Bulgarian pepper are added. All carefully mixed and dressed with mayonnaise.

With crackers

200 grams of by-product is boiled and shreddedstraw. Two tomatoes are crushed in cubes, and 100 grams of cheese and two egg proteins are rubbed on a large grater. Yolks are rubbed with mayonnaise. Everything is mixed, poured and refueled. On top of the salad decorate with rye crumbs (you need one package) and greens.

Salad with tongue beef recipe and cucumber

Some tips

How to prepare salads from beef tongue we have considered, and now let's get acquainted with some important tips that will be useful to any cook.

  1. How to choose the right is presented at the beginning of the article.
  2. The subproduct is cooked for at least two hours.
  3. Before cooking for an hour, soaked in cool water and then carefully washed.
  4. Readiness is checked with a knife or fork, if the tongue is pierced without effort, then it can be removed from the plate.
  5. The skin is easily removed if the meat product from the hot broth is immediately placed in cold water.
  6. For a pleasant smell in the broth add spices. You can also add ginger, parsley or celery root.


Analyzing feedback from experienced housewives, you canunderstand that beef tongue contains many useful substances and is not inferior to meat. And the variety of recipes will not leave indifferent even the biggest gourmets. The main thing is to properly choose the main product and learn how to cook beef tongue.

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