The following ingredients will be needed:
By the way, some useful information thatuseful to those for whom the salad of radishes and eggs - culinary debut. The main thing is to choose the right vegetable. The plant must have a fresh look, and only solid radish will be tasty and juicy. If you plan to chop a vegetable into slices or cubes, then it is better to take small radishes, but if you rub it on a grater, a large one. But back to how to make a salad of radish and eggs. To do this, it is necessary to release the vegetable from the tops, wash, chop (random), add also chopped green onions and eggs, salt and season with sour cream. If someone is worried about his figure, then you can make a dressing out of low-fat yogurt. True, because of this, a salad of radishes and eggs will become less tasty, but not so high-calorie.
And now a few words about how and what canto diversify this dish. After all, radish with eggs is not the only combination, and not only sour cream or yoghurt are used as a dressing. So, adding cucumbers to our classic salad, you can get a dish with a completely different taste. Do not spoil it, and green salad, dill, parsley, cauliflower. There are even quite a few recipes, according to which radishes can be crumbled into a salad with tops. However, finally, I would like to suggest a recipe created especially for the male half, whose stomach, as you know, still prefers not grass but meat.
So, a salad of radishes and eggs, but with the addition of more essential ingredients. In addition to 300 grams of radish, three eggs and green onions will be needed:
All components must be finely chopped, combined in a salad bowl with canned corn, a little salt, and season with mayonnaise. Fast, tasty, satisfying.