/ / At what diseases can you use mineral water "Essentuki"?

At what diseases can you use mineral water "Essentuki"?

The resort cities of the North Caucasus have long beenfamous for their healing springs. The most popular, along with the well-known "Borjomi" and "Narzan", are the mineral waters "Essentuki". A whole series of drinks under this brand is produced, and all of them are curative. When they are used, they usually follow the recommendations of a doctor who prescribes a specific scheme for taking medicinal water depending on the disease. Is it possible to take the mineral waters of Essentuki for preventive purposes? In these cases, follow the instructions and recommendations, which are briefly indicated on the labels of glass and plastic bottles. If the necessary rules are observed, the life-giving liquid will undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on the body. This article describes how to drink mineral water "Essentuki-4" and "Essentuki-17".

mineral waters of Essentuki

At what diseases are mineral waters "Essentuki" used

The main course of treatment, of course - isGastrointestinal diseases. But apart from this narrow specialization, water is widely used and with other health problems. For example, the liquid helps to regulate the metabolism in the body, reduce blood sugar, reduce excess weight.

Mineral water «Essentuki"- general recommendations for use:

- to obtain a therapeutic effect, use in small amounts (half a glass), not using it as a simple means to quench your thirst;

- water has the most health-improving effect in a warm form;

- it is desirable to eliminate the “gassing” of the drink, for this it is poured into it in advance (for example, at night) into a glass to evaporate air bubbles;

- strictly follow the prescribed schedule of admission: depending on the disease, you should usually withstand a certain period of time before meals;

- It is recommended to undergo a course of treatment for a month, repeated two or three times a year.

how to drink mineral water essentuki

Under what diseases does Essentuki-4 mineral water be used?

The peculiarity of this water is the combinationtwo types that have the opposite physiological effect. Therefore, Essentuki-4 is used to treat diseases of the stomach with both high and low acidity. Also, water can be used for the following diseases:

- uncomplicated gastric and duodenal ulcer;

- Chronic form of colitis and enterocolitis;

- Hepatitis, cholecystitis not in the acute stage;

- chronic pancreatitis;

- postcholecystectomy syndrome;

- metabolic disorders: gout, obesity, diabetes, oxaluria, urine acid diathesis, phosphaturia;

- chronic forms of diseases of the bladder and kidneys.

How is Essentuki-17 mineral water used?

Essentuki Mineral Water 17

For almost all of the above diseases canapply and water "Essentuki-17." But it is worth considering some features of treatment. For example, due to the high content of mineral compounds, it is not recommended to use water with increased excretion and acidity of gastric juice. Also, do not use it for diseases of the bladder and kidneys, since the formation of new stones is possible. Drink water with caution and in inflammatory processes of the liver in the acute stage because of the danger of increasing the flow of bile. It is for this reason that Essentuki-17 is used for therapeutic tubages. Along with drinking the life-giving drinks, it is most advisable to carry out comprehensive rehabilitation in special health resorts and sanatoriums, using other methods, such as electrophoresis, baths and therapeutic diets.

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