/ / Caloric content: alcoholic beverage - record for calories

Caloric content: alcoholic beverage - record for calories

Many people pay attention to calorie content. Alcoholic beverage, it would seem, should not contain calories at all, because there is practically nothing in it. But in fact, this is far from the case.

Where in calories from alcohol?

Многие могут подумать, что калорийность, alcoholic beverages are completely incompatible concepts. Is it so? No not like this. The thing is that almost all such drinks are obtained by fermentation. And fermentation is a process that will not be possible without sugar. And everyone knows that sugar is the most dangerous enemy for a figure, since it contains a very impressive amount of calories. That is why alcohol is one of the most frequent causes of excess weight (not in vain, many diets mean rejection of it).

calorie alcoholic beverage

Caloric content of alcoholic beverages

So, what is the calorie content of alcoholic beverages? The table is presented below. It will let you know what is the content of calories in the most popular and often consumed beverages.

Caloric content of alcoholic beverages

Sweet wine

100 kcal / 100 ml

dessert wine

172 kcal / 100 ml

dry wine

64 kcal / 100 ml


87 kcal / 100 ml


40-60 kcal / 100 ml


235 kcal / 100 ml


225 kcal / 100 ml


230 kcal / 100 ml


240 kcal / 100 ml


370 kcal / 100 ml


265 kcal / 100 ml


230 kcal / 100 ml

Characteristics of alcoholic beverages

Below is a brief description of alcoholic beverages.

1. Vodka.This drink is obtained by diluting the rectified alcohol with pure water. In order to improve the quality of vodka (both flavoring and aromatic), in its production they carry out filtration with activated carbon. Then the drink is bottled and transported to points of sale. The alcohol content is about 40-50%. Vodka has a high calorie content. Low-quality alcoholic beverage can cause severe poisoning.

2. Вина.They are obtained by fermentation and fermentation of grape juice. The quality of the finished drink depends on the grape variety. In addition, the sugar content may be different. Depending on this, there are several types: sweet, semi-sweet, dry, semi-dry, dessert and others. Alcohol here contains about 11-15%.

caloric alcoholic beverages table

3Beer is a drink that is obtained by fermenting malt wort using special beer yeast. Hop is also added here. Beer has a small calorie content. The alcoholic drink is unsweetened, but is usually consumed in large quantities, with the result that it turns out to be harmful for the figure. The alcohol content ranges from 4.5% to 8-10%.

4. Rum is obtained by aging in barrels of rum alcohol. The latter is produced from sugar cane. The alcohol in this drink is contained in an amount equal to about 45-70%.

5. Whiskey is obtained by fermentation and further distillation of grain wort. Then required aging in wooden barrels with charred walls. Alcohol here about 40-45%.

alcohol characterization

6.Liqueur is a drink that is obtained by infusing aromatic components (syrups, berries, fruits, and so on) on a mixture of water and alcohol. The alcohol content can vary from 20 to 45%.

7. Cognac. Get this drink by distillation of grape wines and their further aging in barrels (most often oak). Alcohol here about 40%.

8. Brandy is a drink resulting from the distillation of fortified fruit or berry juice and further aging (its duration is at least 3 years). The alcohol content may be about 40-45%.

9. Tequila is obtained by fermentation of agave juice and its subsequent aging. The alcohol content is about 50%.

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