/ / Original snacks - the success of your holiday

Original snacks - the success of your holiday

Usually, when we invite people to a celebration,it is implied that we call relatives and friends behind the festive table to mark an event. Why on any holiday is the main thing - a treat?

Since ancient times, it has been decided that guests are welcomedbread and salt, this tradition has been growing stronger every hundred years, and now we do not even know how to leave guests hungry. If in everyday life we ​​can give our guests tea only with some simple snacks, then for the holiday it's just necessary to prepare original snacks and dishes. After all, a simple potato with fish is no longer suitable for celebrations, and guests are waiting for something special.

It is not necessary to prepare original snacksindependently, it is quite possible to entrust this work to real professionals - cooks of cafes, restaurants. They will prepare dishes with different taste combinations, which at first glance, are not combined at all, but in reality - divine dishes. But if suddenly you like to cook and receive guests only at home, then you will not be able to prepare original snacks.

Original snack from potatoes with mushrooms

We need a few pieces of large potatoes, ten pieces of champignons, two small onions, about sixty milliliters of sunflower oil, curry, salt.

Potatoes must be thoroughly washed, thenpour cold running water and put it on medium heat until cooked. Mushrooms should be cleaned, peeled and plenochek under the cap, boil in salted water and to scroll through a meat grinder or chop finely with a knife. Onions peeled, finely chop and fry with the mushrooms in the pan, until the onions in a beautiful zazharistoy crust. Cool mushrooms with onions and boiled potatoes. Potatoes are cleaned, and cut into wedges or slices, lightly fried in sunflower oil and spread on a dish. Top with the prepared potatoes sprinkle with curry seasoning. Then, for each slice or slice teaspoon laid mushrooms, onions, tomatoes decorate small circle and various herbs, such as basil or coriander.

Original snacks with seafood

Shrimp salad with vegetables

  • Five hundred grams of shrimp;
  • Three fresh cucumbers;
  • Three fresh tomatoes;
  • Salad and greens.

Shrimp we put in boiling salted water,in addition to salt in the water, you can add peppercorns, bay leaf, hops-suneli, and then wait for the water to boil, and take out, do not cook. We cool and clean the shrimps from the shell. Cucumbers and tomatoes cut into thin slices and put on a dish, pre-laid with lettuce leaves. From the top on the vegetables we lay the shrimps and sprinkle with herbs and salt. You can pour a sauce of butter and garlic.

Jellied squid with horseradish

  • Seven hundred grams of squid;
  • Two liters of fish broth;
  • Two medium-sized carrots;
  • Teaspoon of gelatin;
  • Greenery, salt, horseradish.

Squid is thawed and purified from filmsoutside and inside, this procedure is mandatory, otherwise when cooking the squid will curdle and become stiff. Boil the prepared squid in slightly salted water and cool to room temperature. Gelatin pour a small amount of fish broth and leave for five minutes. At this time, carrots cut into circles and cook until ready in the broth. Then broth a little cool and add chopped squid, then greens and swollen gelatin. Stir, heating on low heat, until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Then we pour out the forms and set them to cool for a day. Ready to fill the jellied lemon and serve it grated on a fine grater horseradish.

These simple, but at the same time, original salads and snacks will diversify your festive table and conquer the guests with their taste combinations.

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