/ / Let's see what olives differ from olives

Let's look at the difference between olives from olives

Now a very popular product on the market isolives and olives. What is the difference between olives and olives? On this occasion, the opinions of people differ. Some believe that olives from olives differ in color, others - to taste. But, contrary to all the judgments, arguments and conversations, these are the fruits of one tree.

than olives from olives differ

So What is the difference between olives and olives? The answer to this famous question is very simple. Olives and olives grow on one tree. What distinguishes olives from olives is the degree of ripeness and fat content.

From the moment the harvest begins, and up toThe process of ripening fruits acquire a yellow or green color. When the ripening process takes place, the fruits acquire a dark red or chestnut color, and when fully ripe they become black. There are varieties, the fruits of which are able to ripen after they are collected from the bush.

olives harm

Теперь о том, чем отличаются маслины от оливок.Olives are green fruits that are just starting to ripen. Nevertheless, they are usable and very useful. And already fully ripe fruits of juicy black are called olives.

Маслины и оливки обогащены минералами, белками, pectins, sugar, vitamins B, C, E, as well as P-active catechins, iron, phosphorus and potassium. Bones also contain nutritious and highly valuable substances.

There is one more question:Do olives and olives harm? There is a category of people to whom this product is contraindicated. To harm these products can people who are sick with cholecystitis, since olives produce a strong diuretic effect in the human body, which can lead to death. It is not recommended to use them for people with pancreatitis. Not worth it

varieties of olives
To put olives or olives in their diet for people with liver disease because of the high content of fats.

Varieties of olives are divided into more than ten different species. The most popular of these are:

1. Kalamata-famous Greek olives. This fruit with a pointed tail, having a thin skin and juicy pulp. Collection occurs at full maturation, color - black-violet.

2. Halkidiki - a large green fruit of olives with oblong form and pointed tip. Matures early in the harvest.
3.Throumbes Thasos - this kind of olives have the appearance of dried Greek prunes due to the fact that the collection of these fruits is carried out in the last turn. These are late fruits, and in the dried form they taste great.
4. Gold is the rarest variety. The fruits of this variety, in comparison with the rest, are simply gigantic. They are juicy and crunchy, with amazing flesh. The form is oblong.

It is interesting what to divide into olives and olives,guided by this fruit, is accepted only by Russians. The word "olives" is used all over the world. And, if it is necessary to clarify the color of the fruit, the definition is simply added to the name "green" or "black".

About olives, you can have an endless conversation,some varieties are grown for pickling, others for canning, and others for oil production. There are no fresh olives, they taste very bitter. Even in ancient times, the Greeks learned to get rid of bitterness by soaking, and then salted the olives.

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