/ Stuffed peppers are the top five recipes.

Stuffed peppers are the five best recipes.

Bulgarian pepper with a filling - a delicious dish,useful and satisfying. It is not difficult to prepare it and even an inexperienced cook will cope with it. Stuffed peppers can be cooked not only as a hot dish, but also as a cold snack. The filling can be meat, cereal, vegetable or mixed. Prepare the dish for a couple, in a saucepan over a small fire, in the oven or microwave. As you can see, there are a lot of options, you just have to choose the right one or try everything.

Cold appetizer from Bulgarian pepper.

This snack can be served to white wine orstrong spirits. Preparation of it will take no more than 15 minutes. Of the products you will need an equal amount of butter and cheese. You can also add garlic to taste. Bulgarian pepper is better not to take from the supermarket, but the usual - from the garden. The pods are selected approximately the same, small in size.
Cheese grind on grater and mix with softenedoil. Clean and thoroughly rinse the pepper. Cut into halves and fill each mixture. We serve a very chilled snack, having spread out on a flat dish. You can decorate with parsley sprigs.

Stuffed pepper "Dachniy".

Two servings will need 4 pods of Bulgarianpepper, large size. For the filling, take 200 gr of cheese or feta cheese, white breadcrumbs or stale wheat bread (previously sliced ​​and dried), a couple of eggs, 1/2 cup of milk, a bunch of onions - a feather, salt, a little butter.

Peppers cut along into two equal halves,in such a way as to keep the stems. Remove the seeds and stuff the pods with cheese cubes and croutons. From the milk and eggs, prepare the mixture and carefully beat it with whisk, add salt to your taste. Lubricate the oil with a baking dish, put half the pepper into it and fill it with the egg mixture. Bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. Served with sprinkled onions. Prepare stuffed peppers according to our recipe can also be with the addition of boiled rice.

Stuffed pepper with corn.

It takes 6 large peppers, halfcans of corn, 300 g minced meat (any), egg, onion, grated cheese 50 grams, greens chopped, broth (can be replaced with boiled water, salted), pepper and salt.

We cut off the caps from the peppers and remove the core.Finely chop the onion, mixed with minced meat, egg and corn. We add greens, pepper and salt. We fill each pod with this mixture and place it in a baking dish and sprinkle with cheese. Fill with water or broth. We cook in the oven at 200 degrees for about 45 minutes.

Peppers "Summer".

The middle of summer and the beginning of autumn are the season of vegetables.It's time to relax from meat and taste vegetarian dishes. To diversify the menu, try to prepare stuffed pepper lean, following our recipes.

Приготовить начинку для таких перцев можно из any vegetables. Finely chop tomatoes, carrots, onions, zucchini. Add the pepper, salt and crushed garlic. Mix everything with the boiled and washed rice. We start with this mixture of peppers. Fill top with broth vegetable or salted water. Served with chopped herbs and fresh tomatoes. Improve the taste of the dish will help mayonnaise or sour cream, grated cheese, which you need to add to the dish before baking.

Bulgarian pepper stuffed with vegetables.

Hearty and tasty stuffed pepper, recipethe preparation of which we offer you, you can serve as a separate hot dish for dinner. Prepare it best in the oven. So vegetables are more fragrant.
Для приготовления понадобится перец болгарский - 6 pods, minced mutton, onion - 2 pieces, 2 carrots, small marrow, a glass of steamed brown rice, a mixture of dried Italian herbs, olive oil, garlic, 150 grams of sour cream, tomato paste, hard cheese - 100 grams.

We clean the zucchini, cut it into large rings.Carrots rub on a large grater. Onion shinkem rings. We rub cheese. Remove the cores from the peppers. Mix the minced meat with rice and stuff the pods. We put it in a large shape, not tightly. Between the peppers we put vegetables. Add a little water.
Mix a spoonful of olive oil and as muchtomato paste with sour cream. Add crushed garlic and herbs. Fill this mixture with vegetables and peppers, top with cheese. We cook 50 minutes at 180 degrees. We serve to the table directly in the form for baking, with a heat - with a heat. Bon Appetit!

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