/ / Do you know how to cook dumplings delicious?

Do you know how to cook dumplings delicious?

Many chefs call this dish a dishFamily, as it is equally popular with adults and children alike. It is very tasty and tender, satisfying and appetizing in appearance and smell. Of course, these are wonderful dumplings, the preparation of which is very quick and simple, and the result always surpasses even the most daring expectations.

It is not known what miracle the cook (and in which country)first thought up how to cook dumplings. At different times, mention of such a treat was found in different countries. In the Urals he was called "pel'-nanny", formed from the words "pel" - "ear" and "nanny" - dough, and it was from these territories that the pelmeni fell into the traditional Russian cuisine and stayed here forever. At the same time, medieval China always knew how to cook dumplings (or almost pelmeni) - an original dish called "jiaozi tzi" - a mixture of pork, Chinese cabbage, sesame oil, ginger and red wine wrapped in a flat cake. Central Asia and its culinary science has a recipe for cooking dumplings - "chuchvara", Caucasian and Korean cuisine - "dushbara", mantas, poses, peppers, mandu. Italians enjoy a kind of analogue of dumplings, which they call ravioli and tortellini. The people of Israel are strong.

In our country, as already mentioned, dumplingsbegan to spread from the north and north-east. They always knew how to cook dumplings so that they turned into a delicious dish, worthy of attention and reverence. An additional advantage - and for this especially appreciated by students and constantly busy people - is that the dumplings are cooked extremely quickly and deliciously.

For example, dumplings of the Urals, for whichyou need to take flour (1 kg.), egg (1 pc.), water (450 ml.). For the filling you will need pork and beef (300 grams each), onions (2 pcs.), Salt and black pepper. First of all, you should start filling - grind meat with meat mincer twice, add onions and spices for a second time, then pour in water and mix thoroughly. It is necessary to prepare flour thoroughly before cooking the ravioli, then mix it gently with water, beaten together with egg and salt. The dough should be kneaded until it becomes uniform and sticks to the fingers. The ready-made mass can be divided into two parts, to form several "koloboks" of them and, with a towel, set aside. Half an hour later, the dough is rolled out and divided into small "piglets" - in the middle of each you need to lay out a small amount of minced meat, then gently join and press the edges. Ready pelmeni blanks put on a floured hard surface, with which they will be sent to a saucepan with boiling salted water. Dumplings cook for five minutes, but only after they "float" in the water as a result of heating and careful, though careful stirring. After five minutes, the dish is considered ready: it can be taken out with a spoon or a jumper and served to the table with sour cream, ketchup, diluted lemon juice or natural apple or grape vinegar.

Многие люди для ускорения процесса приготовления Try to cook dumplings in a microwave oven. This method is universal and uncomplicated - the required amount of frozen pelmeni is laid out on a special plate and filled with water - preferably boiled. If desired, the dish can be covered with spices and spices, then put the plate in the microwave. Depending on the power of the device, cooking can take from a quarter of an hour to half an hour. Thus, it is possible to reheat the product bought in the store or hand-stitched. In any case, the dumplings will be very tasty and delicate, and their fabulous aroma will make any person feel hungry and desire to taste them.

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