/ / How to cook samsa at home from puff pastry?

How to cook samsa at home from puff pastry?

How to cook samsa at home fromself-made puff pastry? This question is especially of interest to those housewives who are not indifferent to such a delicious oriental dish. It is worth noting that these small meat triangles are made quite easily and simply.

How to cook samsa at home

how to cook samsa at home

Necessary ingredients for puff pastry:

  • wheat flour - 4 full glasses;
  • chilled boiling water - 1 glass;
  • food soda - 1 full dessert spoon;
  • apple vinegar - a little;
  • margarine creamy fresh - 100 g;
  • melted margarine - 50 g.

Mixing process of puff pastry

Before you prepare the samsa at homeyou need to make a puff pastry yourself. After all, it is from such a foundation that the most delicious and tender meat dish is obtained. To do this, in a deep bowl, it is required to mix the cooled boiling water with baking soda and vinegar. Next, you need to pour in wheat flour and mix everything thoroughly until the dough is well separated from the palms and from the sides of the dishes. After obtaining a thick foundation, it is required to roll into a ball, tightly wrap the food film and set aside for 12-16 minutes.

how to cook samsa with meat

After a while, the dough should be rolled outin a layer of flour-poured surface. One half of the leaf is recommended to put a fresh and slightly melted creamy margarine. After that, the culinary fat should be covered with the second part of the dough, gently squeeze the edges, and then, sprinkling the resulting envelope with flour, roll it along (1.5-2 centimeters thick), slightly pressing the rolling pin. Further, the base needs to be folded twice and again made from it a long and narrow layer. The surface of the resulting rectangle should be generously greased with melted margarine, and then rolled into a long and dense roll, then placed in a refrigerator for 30-55 minutes.

Necessary ingredients for filling:

  • low-fat veal - 500 g;
  • onions large - 500 g;
  • salt - at discretion;
  • ground black pepper is optional.

Process of filling

Before you cook samsa with meat,it is necessary to wash and clean the veal from foreign elements, and then finely chop it with a sharp knife. After that, it is required to chop the onion on a half-ring, put it in a bowl with salt and pepper and squeeze well. Next to the vegetable, you must add veal, and then thoroughly mix both components by hand.

How to cook samsa: the formation of semi-finished products

how to cook samsa

Охлажденный рулет из теста следует порезать на Pieces are 3-4 centimeters thick. After that, each ball must be rolled into a small cake, in the middle of which you want to put 1 large spoonful of meat filling. Next, you should form a samsa in the form of small triangles.

Heat treatment of the dish

How to cook samsa at home toshe turned out not only delicious, but also beautiful? To do this, all made semi-finished products must be laid out on a sheet (smeared with oil), and then apply one beaten egg to them using a cooking brush. This procedure will make the oriental dish ruddy and appetizing. It is recommended to bake samsa in an oven for at least 43 minutes.

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