/ How fast can be cooked beets on a salad? How quickly and correctly to weld beets?

How quickly to cook beets on a salad? How quickly and correctly to weld beets?

Beets are a part of many dishes, without whichit is difficult to imagine a daily and festive table. What dinner without borsch and a new year without vinaigrette? Beetroot is useful for salads, and for herring under a fur coat. It would seem, to cook it, like other vegetables - a simple task. But only experienced culinary experts know how to cook beets deliciously. At the same time, so that the root crop does not lose an attractive appearance and dietary benefits. After all, beet contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, including vitamin C.

How to brew red beets correctly: tips

1.The best result will be with small roots - no more than 10 cm in diameter, large often are loose inside and not tasty. Vegetables should be free from damage, mold and rot, thoroughly washed. Try not to damage the skin, so that useful substances do not break down when cooking.

how quickly to cook beets on a salad
2.Do not cut the tails and do not clean the beet, so as not to lose the juice. Do not salt water, because the vegetable contains a lot of sodium in itself, excess salt will ruin its sweetish taste. If necessary, the beets can be salted after cooking.

3. To keep the color bright red, sweeten water or add a little vinegar or lemon juice to the pan.

4. Try to cook root vegetables of the same size, so that they are simultaneously ready.

How and how much to cook beetroot?

To cook beets, select the saucepan thatslightly more vegetables - between them and the walls should be about 1 cm. Traditionally, the roots are cooked in cold water, so more vitamins are saved, but cooking time is also increasing. The process can be accelerated by placing vegetables in boiling water. The water level should be about a finger above the level of the beet. Cover the pan with a lid and put on a strong fire.

how to cook beets deliciously
After the water in the saucepan boils, cookBeets continue on a quiet fire, adding water as needed. The cooking time can vary from one to three hours, depending on the size, the amount of vegetables.

Root vegetables are ready when a fork, toothpick, or thin knife pierces them easily.

how to cook a red beetroot

Preparation of beets in a multivark

Multivark provides ample opportunities forcooking beets. The built-in programs will allow you to cook vegetables without losing taste and aesthetic qualities and will enable the landlady to do other things. There are different ways how to cook beets in a multivark.

The most common and most useful issteaming. Everything is very simple: small roots thoroughly wash and put on a plastic grid-steamer. Or cut a large beet into pieces. Pour water into the bowl of the multicooker until the bottom mark, put the vegetables. Close the device and select the mode "Steamer" for 40 minutes. As a rule, the vegetables at the end of the timer work perfectly cooked.

how to cook beets in a slow cooker

There is one small trick how to cook beetsin a slow cooker for salad. For cutting vegetables that have had time to cool and rest for 10-12 hours are best suited. Therefore, you can put a slow cooker to cook beets for the night, and in the morning it is beautiful to chop vegetables.

Cooking in the "Soup / Cooking" mode is not much different.from the traditional. We put the washed vegetables in a bowl, fill it with water and select this mode for 60 minutes. Then we check the readiness, if necessary, we add 20 minutes.

How to cook beets in a multicooker mode"Quenching"? Pour water into the bowl, lay the washed vegetables. Here, it is better to take beets more, because the larger the vegetables, the less vitamins they will lose when cooking. Water should cover the roots by 2-3 cm. Set the timer for 3 hours. The cooking time is long, but the taste of the beet is very tender and juicy.

Baked Beet

Another fun way to cook beets inMulticooker, which is best suited for young vegetables at the beginning of the season, when they are juicier and more tender. To prepare the vegetables washed, dried with a paper towel, each wrapped in foil, dripping inside the vegetable oil. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with it and place the beets in it. Turn on the Baking program for one hour.

how much to cook beets in a pressure cooker

How to cook beets in a pressure cooker?

Pressure cooker reduces cooking time3-5 times. After all, this miracle pot does not lose heat during evaporation, and the food in it is cooked under the pressure of steam. If you have such an assistant in the kitchen, you do not need to think long about how to quickly cook the beets in the vinaigrette.

Before you start cooking, make sure thatThe pressure relief valve is not clogged, the O-ring is properly inserted and the pan lid tight. Pour at least 250 ml of water, be guided by the size of the pan - it should not be filled more than 2/3.

how to cook beets in a pressure cooker
Place the washed vegetables and start cooking them. At the end of cooking, be sure to let off steam, otherwise the roots can become very stewed.

So how much to cook beets in a pressure cooker? The answer depends on the seasonality, the young vegetable is boiled for 10-15 minutes, depending on the size, the old one is 25-30 minutes.

Many modern multicookers also havesuch a pressure cooker function. To cook in a bowl, we pour one multivariate glass of water for 1-2 root vegetables, if there is a metal stand for vegetables in the set - it is better to use it so that the vegetable does not stain the device. Put the beets on the stand and close the lid. If you want to quickly reach the desired pressure, pour hot water. Set the “Soup / Cooking” mode for 30 minutes. When the timer runs, gently blow off the steam, be careful not to burn yourself. In order not to spoil the wallpaper and the ceiling in the kitchen, do it under the hood or in front of an open window.

Beetroot in the microwave

Another new way to quickly cook beetson the vinaigrette, will require the use of a microwave. Of course, this option is very different from the usual saucepan on the gas, but in terms of speed, it is significantly faster than it.

Вопреки распространенному мнению, свеклу не нужно pierce before cooking in the microwave, it does not burst in the process. You need to cook in glassware with a lid, or under the usual lid for the microwave. Plastic containers with a valve for steam output are also suitable. Water is not needed.

Время приготовления зависит от многих факторов:size of vegetables, their humidity, power of the device, material of dishes, volume of products. Approximately, a small amount of beets with a microwave power of 1000 W cooks for 10-15 minutes. It should be borne in mind that beetroot is one of those vegetables that boil themselves, so they do not need to be over-exposed. It is better to get them when they seem slightly undercooked.

If a lot of vegetables are being cooked at the same time, then put the smallest root vegetable in the center, since microwaves will affect it worse.

Please note that if the beets were prepared in glassware, it should not be poured with cold water, the glass could burst.

Unusual way to cook beets in the microwave

But modern mistresses and these innovations are few.They know how to quickly cook beets for a vinaigrette and not even stain the dishes. In the microwave, beets can be prepared in a plastic bag. To do this, washed vegetables are placed in a large enough package and tightly tied it in order to achieve a tight package. The method is not for the timid, but it works, and nothing needs to be washed after cooking.

How to save time when cooking salads?

Many dishes, vinaigrette, for example, contain differentvegetables that you need to boil before cooking. Of course, many housewives want to save time and decide to cook them together. How to cook beets and carrots, so that both vegetables have a presentation? The main thing - do not forget that the cooking time they are different. As long as the beetroot is still firm, the carrot will melt long ago and will be unsuitable for cutting into salad. There are two ways to solve this problem:

1. Start cooking carrots when the beets are already boiled, that is, a maximum of half an hour before you plan to get them. Both vegetables are cooked simultaneously.

2. Start cooking all at the same time, but do not forget to check the carrots with a fork and toothpick, so as not to overdo it. Beets are better to put on the bottom of the pan, and carrots on top.

Accelerated cooking beets

In the New Year's Eve quivering, and not only, the question arises of how to quickly cook the beets in the vinaigrette. The fastest vegetables will be prepared if peeled and chopped.

how to cook beets and carrots
Cooking time - that in a conventional saucepan, thatin a slow cooker (both when cooked and steamed) it is halved. But since the beets will lose almost all the vitamins and nutrients, the color and taste will be poorer, so this method is better resorted to only in extreme cases. And the sliced ​​beets will color the saucepan or steamer.

And if you need to speed up the traditionalcooking a particularly large instance of a vegetable, then do this: boil it for an hour, then remove it and pour it over with cold water. After that, boil another 20 minutes and again “bathe.” Beets will be ready for cutting.

In general, the smaller the roots, the faster they cook.

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