/ How is the vodka for vodka prepared? Quickly and simply!

How to prepare the filling from the cherry on the vodka? Quickly and simply!

Infusions - vintage drinks, for cookingwhich does not require yeast. The desired strength is obtained by adding alcohol-containing liquids. And the basis of the drink are any berries and fruits. This article suggests several recipes for how to make a cherry liqueur with the addition of vodka. This article suggests several recipes for how to make a cherry liqueur with the addition of vodka. In each of them the basic principle is observed, but the technology is slightly different due to the changed components or the order of work.

cherry pouring on vodka

Recipe 1. Early-ripening cherry vodka filling in a clay pot

Take a large ceramic pot and refillit up to the top with the washed and washed berries. Then pour vodka so that the cherries are completely covered. Top the pot with thick paper, piercing it in several places with a fork. Next, put the dishes in a slightly heated oven (to a temperature of 100-120 degrees) or in a cooling Russian oven. This recipe for cherry-picking involves steaming berries until they change color to dark brown, and the stone will not be removed when the first pressure is applied. After that, take the fruits out of the pot and put them on a sieve for draining. In the resulting liquid, pour sugar (three hundred grams per liter) and mix. For greater astringency, you can squeeze the remaining berries with a press, and mix the well filtered juice with the liqueur.

how to prepare a filling from a cherry

Recipe 2: Rapid vitreous vodka filling, prepared by sterilizing berries

As the containers are used bottles fromchampagne. Put the washed berries in them, tampers a little. Close the plugs very tightly. A high pot is required for sterilization. Put a piece of cloth on the bottom, set the bottles and fill them with cold water "on the hanger". Place the saucepan on a low heat and simmer for an hour and a half. After removing the container from the plate, wait for the water to cool. Formed in bottles of cherry juice carefully drain and dilute with vodka, adding sugar, in the following proportion: 1 L: 300 ml: 200 g. Pour the mixture back into bottles, clot and leave at room temperature for a day. The pouring is ready!

cherry picking recipe

Recipe 3: Ukrainian vodka from vetch on vodka in a keg

The peculiarity of this method is the use of berries,which must pre-bake in the sun. Freshly picked cherries in the early morning, place on a tray in one layer and place under bright sun rays. Under the influence of the heat, they will begin to "melt", sticking together. In the evening of the same day, pour the fruits through a funnel into a barrel, top up with vodka. Place the container in the cellar on the stand. The next day you will notice that the cherry has absorbed the liquid, so bring the level to its former state so that the fruits are completely immersed in it. So you need to repeat five to six days. On the tenth day, after opening the cork at the bottom, drain all the juice, and then pour it through the top hole back. After three days of such a "cycle", the cream of cherry is ready for vodka. It will be even more delicious if you put a few young twigs cut from the tree into the barrel.

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