/ / Coffee glasse and its varieties

Coffee glasse and its varieties

We should be grateful to the ancient Arabs whohelped the world to learn and appreciate the virtues of coffee. About the drink is a lot of legends, scientists argue about its usefulness-harm. Coffee is used as an additive to food and medicine. A cup of a fragrant drink is a great opportunity to rest and relax. There are so many modern coffee recipes that it is difficult to count them. But we will stop for coffee glasse.

The most common ways of making it are with ice cream, liqueur and egg yolk.

Coffee drink with liqueur and icecan be made both from natural (ground), and with the use of instant coffee. It is enough to weld about 150 ml of a strong drink in any Turk and in the usual way, as we know: the most important thing is that it turns out to be as strong as possible. Tare for coffee glasse should serve as a glass (crystal) container with thick walls (glass, glass). Pour the finished liquid into the glass, add a few ice cubes, and pour the favorite liquor on top - any one will do. The most important thing is to observe the proportion of coffee / liqueur - alcohol should not be more than 20% of the total. Such a recipe with liqueur and ice has not gained popularity in the CIS so far - they prefer this drink with cognac.

More popular is the coffee glasse with eggyolk and ice cream. The recipe is simple, but the labor is more: you need to grind 2 yolks with 3 tablespoons of sugar. The resulting mixture is added to 200 ml of the finished beverage (gourmets prefer espresso). Coffee and yolks with sugar put on a water bath for 10-15 minutes and stir all the time the preparation of the drink. When a miracle drink is cooked (natural - it rises), it is poured into glasses (preferably high), and ice cream is put on top. In the East, add chocolate, vanilla or cinnamon - the taste is stunning. In Europe, they prefer it with vanilla ice cream, cinnamon and chocolate syrup.

And the most famous glassee we have - with ice cream andice. This most simple and affordable recipe was known to our grandmothers. As in the recipe with liqueur, a regular espresso is prepared, poured into a glass and several ice cubes are added. On top put plombir or vanilla ice cream, and for beauty sprinkle with chocolate crumbs - coffee glasse can be drunk and enjoyed.

Today in different establishments a drink is served,which has drawings and patterns on the surface, and transparent glasses show a "multilayered" drink. You can submit a variant with spices - cinnamon, salt and pepper, can offer with lemon or grated orange peel. But there are recipes of a classic drink that remains unchanged for centuries. For example, coffee, which bears the name of the Austrian capital.

Modern Viennese coffee we drink practicallyevery day, with only one caveat - the dishes for this in our home or office are not always suitable for the Viennese version. The recipe is simple - you need to weld the ground grain, pour into a tall glass and add a tablespoon of cream. Sugar is not put - it is served separately. The drink itself is used chilled.

You can add whipped cream - this givesthe ability to apply patterns and drawings to the surface. In Vienna, from the 18th century, crumbs of orange peel, cinnamon and nutmeg were poured over whipped cream.

One of the variants of the Viennese recipeprovides for the supply of whipped cream with chicory and powdered sugar. Another recipe of Austrian coffee with cream says that you need to melt the chocolate, mix it with cream and pour in small portions into the drink. At the same time, it is necessary to whip the contents to foam, not letting the chocolate cool down. When chocolate, cream and coffee are combined, add whipped cream and sugar, sprinkle with cinnamon and cocoa on top. Once upon a time this recipe was also called the imperial recipe.

In Vienna, a glass of cold water is sold to a drink - this is necessary to improve the work of taste buds.

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