/ / Original recipes: marinade for grilled chicken

Original recipes: marinade for grilled chicken

Многие очень любят курицу-гриль из-за ароматной crispy crust and tender juicy meat inside. Of course, you can buy ready. But cooked at home on a special recipe chicken with nothing to compare! In this article we will tell you how to prepare a marinade for chicken-grilled. Pickled meat can be cooked either on an open fire, or in an oven or on a stove. Here we will paint eight recipes, how to make a marinade for grilled chickens.

marinade for grilled chicken

In the first variant, the main ingredient isnatural yoghurt. For six servings we will need: two glasses of ordinary yogurt, two tablespoons of lemon juice, three cloves of garlic (crushed), three young onions, two tablespoons of grated ginger root, one tablespoon of sesame, a fresh sprig of coriander, salt and pepper. taste. Mix yogurt with all ingredients. Chicken cut into pieces of medium size. Fill the marinade for grilled chicken in a capacious capacity and mix with meat. We leave in the refrigerator for the night.

Marinade for grilled chicken in Portugueselovers of spicy food. It is done quickly and easily. We divide the two chicken carcasses into parts. We prepare marinade from the following ingredients: a glass of lemon juice, three quarters of a glass of olive oil, crushed garlic - a quarter of a glass, two tablespoons of dried chilli flakes, two teaspoons of oregano and one teaspoon of cumin, cumin and salt. We sow meat for a minimum of four hours, or better still leave for the night.

marinade for grilled chicken

Marinade for grilled chicken with green cilantro fitsfor the loin part. We need a quarter glass of lemon juice, a bunch of green coriander (finely chopped), six cloves of chopped garlic, one tablespoon of honey, the same amount of olive oil, some salt and pepper. Mix and marinade for at least half an hour.

Recipe marinade for grilled chicken based on yogurtis designed for six legs and thighs. Take a liter of kefir, one bunch of shallots, garlic, two tablespoons of salt and the same amount of sugar, a tablespoon of cumin and a teaspoon of ground black pepper. Chop the onions, let the garlic through the "crush". Mix with the rest of the ingredients and marinate meat.

recipe marinade for chicken grilled

Marinade for chicken-grilled wine will give meatpiquancy. Take a bottle of white dry (semisweet) wine, a bunch larger than shallots, a bunch of tarragon, two and a half tablespoons of sugar, a quarter of a glass of salt. Grasses are finely chopped and mixed with other ingredients. We chop the chicken into pieces and put it in a marinade. We hold about a day.

Marinade for grilled chicken in Mexican style will give meatunusual and original taste. The recipe is designed for a half kilogram of chicken fillet. We need one glass of orange juice, half a glass of lime juice, the same amount of tequila, two or three tablespoons of olive oil, one and a half teaspoons of dried chili or jalapenos and one teaspoon of salt. Marinate should be at least half an hour. Then fry the meat on the grill, cut into small pieces. We do the same with vegetables - Bulgarian pepper and lettuce. We mix. We serve it in a corn flat cake.

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