/ / A simple recipe for carrot cutlets with a mango, egg and sour cream

A simple recipe for carrot cutlets with a mango, egg and sour cream

The recipe for carrot cutlets with a manga includes a minimum of inexpensive and affordable components. But, despite this, such products, fried in a pan, are very delicious, hearty and fragrant.

Carrot cutlets with manga: recipe for step by step cooking

recipe for carrot cutlets with semolina

Components for the dish:

  • sour cream thick without sourness - 2 full large spoons;
  • fresh carrots average - 1 kg;
  • large chicken egg - 2 pcs .;
  • sand sugar - ½ part of a large spoon;
  • croup of semolina - 4 large spoons;
  • wheat flour sifted - 6 large spoons (3 of which are used as a basis, the rest - for rolling products);
  • common salt - ½ dessert spoon;
  • sunflower refined oil - use at the discretion for frying semi-finished products.

Processing of the main vegetable

The recipe for carrot cutlets with a mango recommendsuse for cooking this dish only a fresh vegetable of small size. Thus, the product needs to be washed well, and then boiled in salt water directly in the skin. Carrots should not be brought to a full softening, since it will still be fried in a frying pan.

carrot chops with a manga recipe
After the vegetable is almost ready, itsIt needs to be taken out of the water and cooled in the cold air. Next, carrots should be gently cleaned and ground using the finest grater.

Mixing the vegetable base

Also the recipe for carrot cutlets with a manga includesits composition is such ingredients as granulated sugar, thick sour cream, table salt and chicken eggs. These components are required to lay out to the shredded vegetable, and then add the croup and hold in such a composition under the lid for half an hour. During this time, the mancha will swell, making the vegetable mass more dense and satisfying. After this, the mixture is required to pour in wheat flour and mix everything thoroughly. As a result, you should get a thick ground, from which you can easily mold any shape.

Formation of products

Vegetable cutlets are formed in exactly the same way,like ordinary products made from meat products. To do this, you need to take a little prepared base in your hands, roll a ball with a diameter of up to 7 centimeters from it, and then flatten and roll on both sides in wheat flour. Similarly, all other cutlets are made out.

carrot chops with a manga

Heat treatment

The recipe for carrot cutlets with a mango recommendsuse for deep frying products deep saucepan and refined sunflower oil. Utensils need to be very warm before cooking. Further on its surface should lay out 5-8 loaves and fry them from two sides until the appearance of an appetizing crust (about 5-9 minutes). After that, the finished batch of vegetable products must be laid out on a plate, and new semi-finished products should be placed in the pan.

How to serve for dinner

Морковные котлеты с манкой подаются к обеду или dinner in the hot state. This dish can be used as an original garnish. In this case, it should be presented with meat goulash, a piece of boiled or fried poultry, a pork chop, fish steak, etc.

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