/ / Pork liver: recipes for cooking delicious and healthy dishes

Pork liver: recipes for cooking delicious and healthy dishes

Delicious dishes from pig liver helpdiversify the daily and festive menu. This product must be able to properly prepare, otherwise the subproduct will turn out to be tough. This article presents recipes for delicious pork liver, according to which any mistress can make an original dish.


Classical meat dishes are sometimes boring in the daily menu. I want to diversify it with other useful products. Cutlets from pig liver are perfectly combined with various side dishes.

For their preparation, 1 kg of by-productwash and remove the hymen. The liver is soaked in milk or in water for 2 hours. Thus, all bitterness from it will go away. Then it is cut into medium pieces and twisted in a meat grinder.

2 pieces each.bulbs, carrots and garlic (to taste) are cleaned and cut into large pieces. Vegetables are ground with a blender or in a meat grinder. All ingredients are mixed. In this mass is added 150 g of flour, salt and 5 g of soda.

cutlets from pig liver

The consistency of minced meat should resemble oatmealporridge, if it turns out less often, then gradually added flour. The frying pan is well heated over medium heat. It is filled with vegetable oil and a table spoon is laid out cutlets from the pig liver.

They fry until cooked on both sides. If you pierce a toothpick cutlet and minced meat does not remain on it, then the dish is ready.

Liver pate from pork liver

If you cook at least once his own, no longer want to buy a store product. For him, it is necessary to soak in advance 800 g of the by-product, before cleansing from the hymen and veins.

The liver is put in a pot of cold water and put on fire. After boiling, the entire foam is removed and salt is added with laurel leaves. The subproduct is boiled for another 30 minutes.

At this time, 2 medium bulbs are shredded with an average cube and sent to fry in a frying pan until transparent. Then there are sent pieces of liver. The whole mass is cooked for another 10 minutes.

liver pate from pork liver

These ingredients are ground in a meat grinder.Now it is necessary to whip a pack of butter until the foam forms and enter into the stuffing. Add spices to taste. The mass is poured into molds and topped with a small amount of whipped oil.

The liver pate from the pig liver is removed into the refrigerator to freeze.


This recipe is prepared very quickly. It is suitable for preparing a hearty dinner, if there is no time for delicacies. It will be necessary for him:

  • 600 g of pork liver;
  • 80 g of ground biscuits;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 40 g of flour;
  • eggs;
  • spice.

The byproduct is washed and the pleura and ducts are removed. The paper towel is dried and cut into pieces of small thickness. Eggs (2 pieces) are beaten in a bowl with a fork.

Slices of liver fall off on both sides in flour.Then they completely fall into the eggs for a few seconds and are breaded in breadcrumbs. Fry the pieces on high heat until a crust is formed. The dish is served hot.

Liver cake

This dish was often prepared by us earlier on the festive table. Now it is less popular and less often the recipe is used by young housewives.

The liver (700 g) is pre-soaked in milk,preferably at night. Large carrots and onions are cleaned and well washed out. The byproduct is cut into pieces and passed through the meat grinder 1-2 times. Add 3 whipped eggs and 150 ml of milk to this mass.

It goes 3 tbsp. spoons of flour and a little salt.The dough should look like a pancake. The frying pan is well heated and vegetable oil is added to it. On it are roasted liver pancakes on both sides until the appearance of golden color.

Carrots rub on a large nozzle, and the onionit is cut by an average cube. Vegetables are parsed in vegetable oil, but not fried. On the flat dish is laid out the first hepatic pancake. It is smeared with mayonnaise and 2 tbsp are dispensed from above. spoons of fried vegetables.

Thus, the cake is formed.Fused cheese rubs on a large nozzle and this mass is smeared through 1 layer. The top is covered with a vegetable mixture and is decorated with greens. The cake should soak for several hours in the fridge.

Pork liver in sour cream with onion

This dish is distinguished by its delicate taste and hearty ingredients. For him it is necessary to rinse 400 g of liver in advance, clean and cut into pieces no more than 2 cm.

Then they are poured cold milk for 1-2 hours. Bulbs (2 pcs.) Of medium size are shredded by a large cube or semirings. Then they are fried in vegetable oil.

Pork liver in sour cream with onion

Liver squeezed and sent to a frying pan to the onions.The mass is still fried for 15 minutes. 200 ml of sour cream and 10 g of mustard are mixed. This adds a spoonful of flour and 3 transferred cloves of garlic. Fresh dill and parsley are finely shredded. Half goes to this mass.

This sauce pours the liver in a frying pan and stews for 15-20 minutes. In it you can add any spices to taste. Before serving, the pork liver in sour cream and onions is decorated with the remaining greens.


Sometimes it is very difficult to persuade a child to eatcooked liver. The recipe for pancake pancakes helps to diversify the children's diet, because they often do not understand that their unloved product is included in the composition.

For preparation it is necessary to soak in advance 500g of by-product in water or milk. The liver is then cut into small pieces and ground into a gruel with a blender. In the same way we do with raw carrots.

recipe for pork liver fritters

Add 1 teaspoon of soda, salt and spices to taste. Here 1 egg is poured in and 3 tbsp. tablespoons of semolina. The dough is set aside for 20 minutes, so that the groats are swollen.

According to the recipe for pancakes from pork liver, they must be roasted on both sides. You can serve them both hot and cold. As a sauce, low-fat sour cream is perfect.


This recipe for a cold snack will be a godsend for every housewife before preparing for the celebration. It is necessary to prepare for it:

  • 400 g of pork liver;
  • 1 egg;
  • 200 g of fat;
  • semolina; semolina;
  • flour;
  • garlic and spices.

The byproduct is well washed and cleaned.It is cut into small pieces (1 cm). Lard is treated in the same way. These ingredients are mixed in a bowl with the addition of 1 tbsp. tablespoons semolina, 3 tbsp. spoons of flour, salt, spices and chopped or dried garlic.

This mixture is laid out on the food film andsausage is formed. It is fastened with threads. Sausage is sent to cook in a saucepan with water for 2 hours. Then it must be obtained and allowed to cool. After that, saltison leaves for the night in the refrigerator.

Before feeding, the film is removed and the sausage is cut into small pieces.


This dish with a delicate taste is sure to like itto all family members. Pork liver is cleaned and soaked for 1 hour. Then it is cut into small pieces and interrupted by a blender before the formation of gruel.

In the same way we do with carrots and onions (1 piece each). In this mass is added 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream and 2 eggs. All ingredients are well mixed and seasoned with salt and spices to taste.

swine liver souffle

The form for baking is smeared with vegetable oil. It is laid out forcemeat and sent to the oven for 45 minutes at a temperature of 1800. To cut it is necessary the cooled down dish. If the soufflé was prepared in small molds, then it can be placed on a table in them.

Goulash with gravy

This dish is perfectly combined with any unsweetened porridge, pasta and mashed potatoes. For its preparation, cut into small pieces of pre-cleaned and soaked liver (500 g).

Onion (4 pcs.) Is cut into a large cube.It is fried in a frying pan with vegetable oil until it is transparent. At this time, slices of pork liver crumbled in flour and sent to the onions. In the frying pan, fry the ingredients for another 15 minutes.

pork liver fried with gravy

Now you can start preparing the gravy.In another dry frying pan 3 tablespoons are fried. spoons of flour. It adds to 3 tbsp. spoons of tomato sauce and sour cream. In this mass are introduced spices and 2 transferred cloves of garlic. If desired, you can add 3 tbsp. spoons of dry white wine.

The sauce is stewed for a few minutes and all the ingredients are poured into it. The liver is pork, roasted with gravy, it is still in the frying pan for another 20 minutes. Served with garnish in a warm form.


Usually, pork liver is not associated withpreparing cold appetizers. But it is not so. The original salad with a by-product and fresh vegetables will be an excellent addition to or serve as the main dish.

For cooking, you need to clean 400 grams of liver and soak it. It is cut into medium slices and fried in olive oil with the addition of spices until ready.

delicious dishes from pig liver

Bulgarian pepper (2 pcs.preferably different colors) cut into strips. They are fried in the same oil as the liver for 5 minutes. At this time, tomatoes (preferably 5 cherries) are cut into slices. A large purple bow is semirings.

Now you need to prepare a gas station.It mixes 20 ml of balsamic vinegar and olive oil (2 tablespoons). Add spices to taste. The dish is laid out the leaves of washed spinach and sprinkled with a little sauce.

On top is laid out a warm sweet pepper and onions. Again the filling layer. The liver and tomatoes are the last to be sent. Salad is well seasoned with sauce and decorated with halves of boiled eggs.

From pork liver you can make a savory snack. To do this, you need 350 g of liver to clean and 1 hour to soak in milk.

Then it is cut into thin slabs andgoes to a frying pan with vegetable oil. First, the by-product should be extinguished for 15-20 minutes under the closed lid. Then it is opened, so that the liquid is evaporated and the liver is fried until cooked.

Meanwhile, in another pan, an omelette is preparedof 2 eggs in the form of a pancake. Then it is twisted by a tube and cut into thin strips. The bulb is shredded with a small cube, and 1 carrot rubs on a small nozzle. Vegetables are fried in vegetable oil until soft.

In a bowl, mix all the ingredients with the addition of 3 pressed through the press of cloves of garlic, chopped walnuts and black ground pepper. Spices are added to taste.

All easy cooking and a pleasant appetite!

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