What is a tartar?

Cooking has long been used successfullyderivatives from various fruits. Especially applicable is a statement for sweet dishes and baked goods. For example, very few people know that the usual soda and powder for baking (it's baking powder) is sometimes replaced with a wine stone. Another name is cream tartar. Because of this, the stone is often confused with sauce and does not represent what is at stake. But in reality it is a white powder used as a disintegrant and a protein structure stabilizer.

I must say that it is much more effectivenotorious soda with vinegar, and therefore added in a relatively small amount. In turn, this approach helps to maintain the full flavor range of the final product without spoiling it with an excessive baking powder content or an unpleasant aftertaste that it can impart in some cases. Where does the tartar come from? No wonder he has such a telling name. This is useful for cooking substances really get to the wineries.

Wine stone - what is it?

Tartar is a chemical compoundof the two main elements. This is a fruit acid (in our case - wine) and caustic potassium. This combination partially neutralizes the potassium and gives the substance the same crystalline structure in which it is mined. Usually such crystals can be found on the inside of old wooden barrels and plugs. But only if it comes to aged wine of good quality. It is formed very long and in small amounts, which is the main reason for the high cost. Further, the substance is ground into a powder and is sold in this form.

Tartar is especially effective when addingin protein creams and mousses for cakes. It greatly facilitates the whipping process, and also allows the mass to hold the volume for a long period of time. But tartar should be added towards the end of the cooking. In old cookbooks, written in those times when nobody has heard of soda, recommend adding tartar cream. And so far, despite the abundance of different means on the shelves of shops, the cooks have not thought up anything better - a tartar stone can be safely put on the first place among other stabilizers.

Benefits of grapes and grape juice

It is because of the large amount of potassium,contained in the fruits of grapes, is the formation of the substance cream tartar. But grape juice is rich not only in potassium; it also contains a large number of other substances useful to the human body. And the knowledge of the benefits of these berries passed down from generation to generation since the time of Ancient Rome. Already then the sick liver and lungs, kidneys and cold were treated with grapes, used it for the general strengthening of all systems of the body.

Modern studies have successfully confirmedrepresentations of ancient Romans and Greeks. It turned out that the fruits of the grapes contain vitamins B, RR, R, vitamin C, useful for strengthening blood vessels and activating immunity, beta-carotene and several organic acids. In addition, it contains proteins, carbohydrates and organic fibers. Not deprived of grapes and important for human minerals: magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, cobalt!

Grape juice is especially useful to people whosuffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system. It also tones up and gives courage, so it is recommended for use during periods of particularly intense mental and physical activity. Juice is very quickly absorbed into the blood due to the high content of sugars, so you can drink it at any time of the day. In half an hour you can feel the invigorating effect. It is noteworthy that all grape varieties have different effects on us.

So, light juice has an increased contentiron and therefore quickly restores the power reserve. And the darkest is most useful to women: the pigment of the anthocyanin, which gives this juice a rich color, is able to prevent breast cancer.

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