/ Eggplant beans: recipes for every taste. Eggplant with beans for the winter

Eggplant beans: recipes for every taste. Eggplant with beans for the winter

Овощи и бобовые отличаются повышенной полезностью for the human body. In addition, they are perfectly combined with each other. And in the post, the dishes of these components will be nourishing enough to reach the meat days without any problems. Yes, and for the winter, such preparations will be very useful - the same beans with eggplants are very encouraging and will delight the family in the cold months. Vegetable season is hard to imagine without such dishes.

eggplant beans

Eggplant with green beans

Most often, our people use beans.species - usually white, somewhat less red. Recently, however, people have tasted and learned how to cook and green beans with eggplants. The recipe is complemented by a few more vegetables - and a wonderful side dish comes out. It compares favorably with similar, but with beans, speed of cooking, because it does not require long pretreatment of beans. Two blue ones are cleaned, cut into circles, add some salt and drain for ten minutes. Then they need to be rinsed from the bitterness that has come out and squeezed a little. Some butter is poured into the skillet, our circles are laid out, cubes or rings of two bell peppers are placed on top, a crumbled onion is poured, and a third kilogram of bean pods is placed on it. Slices of tomatoes are placed at the very top, and such a kind of sauté stews for about a quarter of an hour. At the end of the beans with eggplants sprinkled with herbs (a mixture of dill, cilantro and parsley). The dish is perfect for meat, fish, or at least successfully perform a solo.

eggplant beans recipe

Eggplant Beans: Recipe with Mushrooms

Mushrooms are compatible with any vegetables and giveThe final dish is a special charm. In our case, any suitable, even quite tasteless champignons. Three hundred grams of sliced ​​mushrooms are put on a dry frying pan (this way they will give away excess water more quickly). After about five minutes, some oil is added and a shredded onion is poured. When it softens, add the cubes of eggplant and two tomatoes. Salt, pepper, preferred spices - and for five minutes under the lid, simmer. Then pour the beans (canned in tomato or pre-cooked) - about a glass. Almost immediately, chopped spinach and a few crushed garlic cloves are added to the beans with eggplants and mushrooms. Three minutes of boiling together, and dinner is ready.

eggplants with beans for the winter

Unusual hummus

Большинство людей представляют себе фасоль с eggplants only as a side dish. However, from them you can make a wonderful snack, which is convenient to spread on bread. Favorite in the Middle East hummus is made from chickpeas. And we will prepare it in our own way. White beans can be taken canned in their own juice, and you can boil. At 400 grams of beans, a large eggplant is taken and baked whole in the oven. Then it is peeled from the skin, put into a blender together with beans, three spoons of tahini (this is a paste of sesame seeds, sold in all supermarkets) and three garlic and is poured. Then the juice, squeezed from a half of a lemon, and a quarter of a glass of good olive oil slowly pours in. When the paste becomes homogeneous, its salinity and spice are checked, and if necessary it is regulated. Everything, you can smear a sandwich. On top of it, if desired, you can sprinkle with red pepper, zira and parsley.

Lobio fantasies

Traditionally, this Georgian dish is cooked onlyfrom beans. However, in their pure form, they are not to everyone’s liking, but to someone else seem too heavy for the stomach. We suggest you to improve a little lobio and enjoy it with a light heart. A third kilogram of sugar beans is boiled according to all the rules. A large onion is minced and fried in a cauldron. As soon as the onion becomes transparent, a carrot straw is added to it. It is not recommended to rub - it will turn out sluggish. In the pan at this time cubes of two eggplants are browned. When they get a smooth brown color, pour out to the fry. At the same time, small squares of Bulgarian pepper are added to it. Five tomatoes and as many garlic cloves are put in the blender. This mass is poured vegetables. Following parsley crumble with cilantro and with the beans sent to the cauldron. After salting and seasoning with lobio spices, the quarter of an hour should be stewed under a lid. If you want to close these eggplants with beans for the winter, they are placed in hot cans in the cans, vinegar is poured under the lid (a spoon for a half-liter vessel), and the containers are sealed.

eggplant salad with beans

Winter salad

While vegetables are available, you need to take care of yourthe future and roll up an eggplant salad with beans that will brighten up the experience of winter. A pound of dry beans is soaked overnight, and in the morning is cooked until half cooked. One and a half kilograms of tomatoes turn into mashed potatoes with two heads of garlic. What to use at the same time - a food processor, blender or meat grinder - does not matter. A glass of sugar, two spoons of salt, half a liter of sunflower oil and half a cup of 9% vinegar are mixed in the mass. Pouring boil for about five minutes after boiling. Then squares of half a kilogram of paprika, as many carrots, large slices of two kilograms of eggplants and beans are introduced into it. All together brewed for 40-50 minutes, it is packaged in cans, corked and wrapped in warm until it cools.

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