/ / Wine Mateus ("Mateus"): Mateus Rose, Mateus White Wine. Portuguese wines

Wine Mateus ("Mateus"): Mateus Rose, Mateus White Wine. Portuguese wines

Why most buyers make choices infavor of a particular brand of wine? Do they look at appellation? Or clearly understand how terroir affects the properties of the drink? Or maybe they are looking for a bottle year millesima? No, as a rule, wine is chosen ... by brand name.

One of these big names is the wine Mateus Rose.

The most vivid facts about the wine "Mateus"

  1. To date, over 1 billion bottles have been sold.
  2. Wine "Mateusz" can be bought in more than 125 countries.

  3. This is the best selling rosé in the world, despite the fierce competition.

wine mateus

Description and characteristics

Wine Mateus rose is a semi-dry rose wine. A little fizzy. Fortress - 11 degrees.

Color - the original and pleasant shade of pale pink color, with a slight transition to salmon.

The taste is soft, floral, playing, fresh and juicy.

Brand History

Бренд начал свою историю незадолго до Второй world war, in 1942, when the head of the family of winemakers Fernando van Zeller Gedes decided to create sparkling rosé to complement and diversify the line of existing red and white sparkling wines. The fact is that sparkling wines were in great demand in Europe and America at that time.

Ценители вина "Матеуш Розе" не могли не обратить attention to the image of a certain architectural structure on the label. This is the palace of Mateus, which is located near the town of Vila Real, in northern Portugal. This is a masterpiece of architecture and the finalist of the project "Seven Wonders of Portugal." It was in its vicinity that the winery was built, which produced the first bottles of new wine.

Curious fact:the palace was not owned by the Gedes family, so winemakers paid for the right to use his image on their bottles. The owners of the palace had two options: take a one-time fee or receive deductions from each bottle. They preferred the first and, of course, lost a lot, because by now more than a billion bottles have been sold. Even with the minimum wage today, they would be billionaires.

how much is wine

What defined success

  1. Good time. Wine Mateus corresponded to the tastes of the time.Sparkling ceremonial wines, that is, spumante wines, were very popular, while such drinks were not produced in Portugal. Gedes was the first.
  2. Bottle. Her uniform resembles a soldier's flask of time.First World War. A very narrow neck goes into a pleasant drop-shaped roundness of the base. Apart from the fact that at that time it looked very original among the rows of classic bottles, the drink in such a bottle seemed close and understandable, because the memories of wartime were still very fresh for many. Cork is only natural, because Portugal is proud to be the largest cork supplier, but, unfortunately, recently many wines from Portugal are supplied under a screw cap.
  3. Colour. Technologically, wine is made almost like this.the same as white, but for his novelty Gedes chose another grape variety - red. When squeezing the juice for some time in contact with the skin, just enough to get a faint pink color. The hue and taste of the wine were really unusual.

Access to the market

Wine entered the British market in the 50s and becameone of the wines of mass consumption. The fact is that before the war this category simply did not exist. Wines were the subject of piece demand for certain segments of the population. Three brands - Black Tower and Blue Nun and Mateus Rosé - conquered the market. Sales and incomes of the Gedes family grew steadily. By the end of the 80s, a white version of the wine was released - Mateus White Wine, and by this time the brand Mateus Rosé occupied 40% of the total market (over 3 million boxes in 100 countries).

Today, Portugal is not considered a majorthe wine-making region for the production of rosé wines, significantly inferior in terms of the internal volumes of Italy and France, however, Mateusz Rosé is always among the top ten best rosé wines.

Portuguese wines

Price list

How much does a wine from Portugal cost?This country supplies wines of different price categories. It is famous for its quality and affordable wine. Wine Mateus belongs to the segment of relatively expensive wines (if you take it for every day). As of August 2016, prices are approximately as follows:

  • Sparkling wine Sogrape Vinhos, Mateus Rose Sparkling Brut 750 ml, regular wine bottle - 1156 rubles., With a discount - 1099 rubles.
  • Classic Mateus Rose in a flask bottle, 750 ml - 750 rubles, with a discount - 713 rubles.

How much does Mateus wine cost in Portugal itself?There it sells for about 4 euros per bottle. It can be seen in every supermarket. Flask-like bottles still look catchy and attract attention.

Other wines "Mateus"

Wine "Mateusz" quickly became a sign of fashion 70swith her passion for everything bright and a little extravagant, such as disco style and bell bottoms. Wine adorned every table, both festive and casual.

By the 90s, sweet Portuguese wines had become less fashionable, in connection with which the company enriched its line with various variations of the well-known and favorite brand.

  1. In 2005 appeared Mateus rosé tempranillo - more bright color, fruity, with perkystrawberry notes, it is at the same time well balanced by fresh acidity, reminiscent of the original wine Mateus Rosé, that is, it is able to please those who are nostalgic for the 70th, but at the same time respond well to the spirit of modernity. For example, the majority of buyers in Spain are young girls.
  2. Mateus Sparkling. About brut wine we'll talk separately below. Also in this series of sparkling (sparkling - shining, sparkling) wines, in addition to pink brut, include dry white wine and pink semi-dry.
  3. Mateus blanco - white semi-dry wine.This is the so-called still sparkling wine, that is, it contains almost no carbon dioxide. Portuguese wines "Mateus" is difficult to imagine without a description of the white variety. Light white wine Mateus has a delicate citrus-fruity taste. Very fresh, young, with a good balance of acidity. Light, barely noticeable carbonation makes the taste even more alive. This drink will be just great in the hot season.

wine mateus


Brut are varieties of sparkling wine with extremelylow in sugar The level of sugar - 0.3%, in addition, this wine is extremely low-calorie - only 64 kcal per 100 ml of drink. Their sonorous name - brut - these wines received because they were the first to be appreciated by the British. When the whole world went crazy over sweet wines, it was in the UK that they were able to taste how brighter each note of sparkling wine is revealed in the absence of sweetness. Mateus Rose Brut is made in the best traditions of wines "Mateus":

  1. Perlyazh, that is, the game of bubbles is very beautiful. The bubbles are small and persistent, giving the wine a lively twinkle.
  2. The taste is velvety, with a pleasant lively sourness. Feel shades of strawberry and apricot. The finish is creamy.
  3. The aroma felt notes of floral, fruity (ripe raspberry, apple, pear), with a subtle touch of the smell of toasted bread.

mateus pink

Why serve wine "Mateusz"?

It is universal.Of course, gourmets make some differences between the brands of wine, offering light pink to combine with fatty meat dishes, and strawberry-raspberry - with desserts. But in general, there are no restrictions, the Mateusz wine is quite mild, with a balanced taste, it will accentuate well the cheese, fruit, red fish, grilled meat. Especially it will be appropriate in the hot season with snacks and dishes, thanks to its freshness.

Some say that it goes well with Indian and Chinese cuisine.

Especially delight pink wine "Mateus" those wholoves cheese, but does not understand stamps. Any grade will go well with it! The fact is that white and red wines in this sense are more capricious, not every cheese goes well with red or white. And in the pink dry there is the necessary sourness and fruitiness, which makes it an ideal partner for cheese.

mateus rose brut

How to drink rose wine

Strict rule of drinking pink wine - it is served chilled. If we are talking about an aperitif, then it is cooled to 8-10 ° C, if with some dishes, then to 10-12 ° C.

High-quality wine is drunk in small sips, the only way to feel the full flavor of a delicate bouquet. The wine "Mateusz" also has a pronounced aftertaste - creamy hue.

Rose wines are consumed young, maximum inwithin 2 years after bottling. Years do not go to their advantage. Rose wine is freshness, brightness, lightness, tenderness and juiciness. After three years, it will lose them, and, perhaps, so much so that it becomes unpleasant to use. Years color those wines that over the years acquire elegance and softness. In order not to be mistaken with the moment of opening the wine, you can refer to the table of millesimes, where it is indicated what year the corresponding crop was and when this wine should be consumed.


Even a quick look at reviews of Mateus Roseallows you to make unexpected conclusions: it is truly outstanding in taste and other characteristics of the product. Why unexpected? Because, as a rule, reviews are not so unambiguous, there will always be those who put not five out of five, but four. Pink wine Mateush all unanimously give the top five, with the exception of individual buyers who put a two or one and describing sourness with a bitter taste, which clearly indicates: most likely, such a buyer stumbled upon a fake.

mateus rose

How do wine buyers describe?

Its taste is called very light, butunusual. Very peculiar and memorable, it is interesting to solve it. There are light sour notes, thanks to which the wine is very refreshing in the heat. It is not sugary. But some call it too soft, vague. Others, on the contrary, write that the taste is bright, although indeed without cloying. Amazingly suited to meat and seafood (calamari, mussels, clams), well complement sushi, Thai and Vietnamese cuisine, as well as decorate salads and Italian dishes such as lasagna and risotto.

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