/ / How to cook goulash from different types of meat

How to cook goulash from different types of meat

Goulash is a popular meat dish of the nationalHungarian cuisine. However, it has long crossed the spatial boundaries and is prepared with pleasure by both professional chefs and housewives, who only master the secrets of cooking. Let's share some recipes and we.

Goulash soup

how to cook goulash
The first way to cook goulash is:take 1 kg of beef meat, 500 g of potatoes, 200 g of onions, as many tomatoes and 100 g of carrots and bell peppers. From spices and seasonings will need 3-5 cloves of garlic, to taste a little barberry, paprika, thyme, sweet pepper. Especially for those who do not know how to cook goulash, we will clarify: according to the classic recipe, 200 grams of dry red wine and the same amount of water are added to the dish. Technology of preparation: meat should be cut into pieces of medium size, cubes chop tomatoes, potatoes. Onions are chopped into half rings, and straws are carrots and peppers. Garlic squeezed through a scabby or finely chopped. In a large cast iron, pour the vegetable oil (50 g) and fry the meat in it, turning on the fire more forcefully. Do this for a short time, 5-7 minutes. Then sprinkle onions with garlic and simmer for another 5 minutes. Laying vegetables is the third stage of how to cook goulash. Tomatoes, carrots and bell peppers are put in the roast.
how to cook goulash in a multivariate
Спустя 7 минут засыпаются специи и приправы, the hot salted, mixed and stands under the lid for about 5-6 minutes. Then wine is poured in. The fire is screwed, cast iron now 15 minutes must protomitsya on a weak heating. And finally, the fourth, final stage of the operation called "how to cook goulash." It is reported potatoes, water is added, everything is mixed, brought to a boil and cooked until ready for another 25 minutes. Served on the table is a soup-goulash sprinkled with chopped herbs. A surprisingly tasty, nutritious dish for true gourmets!

Goulash in multivark

Another useful recipe with detailedrecommendations: how to cook goulash in a multivariate. Ingredients: meat - 500 g, potatoes - 4-5 pieces, onions - 1 head, cabbage - 250 g, garlic - 6-7 lobules, sugar - 1-1.5 st. spoons, tomato - 3-4 tbsp. spoons, half a lemon, salt, spices, herbs.

goulash from pork cook at home
Sour cream and vegetable oil for refueling.Traditionally, in restaurants and canteens, beef goulash is cooked. From pork we prepare the house we have it in those cases when the meat is of medium or low fat content. First you should cut the onions and lightly sprinkle with sugar. Few of the hostess knows about this subtlety: the sugar not only removes bitterness and harshness, but also gives the soup a special refined taste. Onions are put in the bowl of the multivark, sunflower oil is added, and the appliance is put in the "Baking" mode. Fry the product for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, so that the onions are not burned. After that, garlic is poured in, salt is added, passerization lasts another 2-3 minutes. Pork is cut into thin strips, sent to fry and processed for 10-12 minutes. The instrument switches to the "Quenching" option at this time. After the specified time, tomato is placed in the bowl. Products continue to stew for 6-7 minutes. Then comes the turn of the potato (it is cut into thin blocks). After that, water is added, it must cover all the products by 3 cm. Spices are poured, the dish is salted. Options do not switch, extinguish until semi-prepared potatoes. In the end, cabbage is put, the soup is cooked in the old regime for about an hour and a half. At the very end, lemon juice is squeezed into it, and if necessary, some more sugar or salt is put. Goulash is served with sour cream and herbs.

Cook perfectly and with joy!

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