/ / Watermelon fresh: a tasty and fresh drink!

Watermelon fresh: a delicious and fresh drink!

Fresh - freshly squeezed juice from fruits or vegetables.It should be consumed immediately: shelf life - no more than half an hour. After all, this is why the drink was called "fresh" - from the English word "fresh"! It's very easy to cook at home, the main thing is that there is a juicer or blender at hand. At worst, you can use the folk method: grater and gauze, sieve. As a rule, a refreshing and thirst-quenching drink is made without any additives - sugar, salt, spices - and does not require heat treatment (a saucer is unnecessary, for that it is fresh).

how to make a watermelon fresh

From watermelon

Excellent summer and autumn variant - watermelon fresh.Of course, it is easy to cook in any kitchen all year round, but at a time when the striped sweet berries are sold at every corner and are literally pennies - a special pleasure, not too baesh for the family budget. In this article, we'll look at how you can quickly make fresh watermelon. Recipes, in fact, there is a mass. Let's figure it out in more detail!

A few tips on how to use

  • It is best to drink these types of juices for 20-30 minutes before eating.
  • Measure of use - 100 grams (maximum 200). Do not drink, for example, watermelon fresh liters, if you just do not sit on the appropriate diet and do not eat anything else.
  • After eating, you should not drink juices, many of them dilute stomach acid, cause fermentation and slow down the time of digestion of food.
  • Sugar in watermelon fresh is not worth adding: nature has already made it sweet enough. Sometimes a taste of honey is introduced into the taste. Well, now about the recipes.
    watermelon fresh

Watermelon fresh. The recipe for cooking in a blender

It is necessary to take an average size, completelyripe, but not overripe, watermelon (4-5 kg). How to choose - you probably know. But just in case: it should be ringing with a light blow to the body, the fruit-tail is dry, the color of the berry is intense, without salad shades (this indicates that it has not arrived yet). The selected berry should be washed under the tap, as on the surface there may be dust and even dirt. I would not want it to get into our prepared drink. Next, cut the top of the watermelon and take out the red sweet flesh. Bones choose. We do not throw away the cleaned case, it is still useful. Flesh cut into cubes and send portionwise to the blender. Preparing fresh. And then we pour it back into the watermelon skeleton. To a thick, fresh juice, you can add a squeezed lemon or lime. Mix and cover with a lid from the top of the watermelon. Once again, it should be noted that the drink should be consumed within half an hour, otherwise it will lose some of its healing properties. Before pouring on the glasses, fresh is mixed again, and in the container we put a few ice cubes for additional cooling. We decorate each glass with a sprig of mint.

fresh watermelon recipe

How to make fresh watermelon in a popular recipe

Today in many kitchens there is such a magicala culinary device, like a blender. Of course, he accelerates the preparation of many dishes, making them less time-consuming. But what if you have not yet acquired such an adaptation, but want to make fresh fresh from a ripe watermelon? The actions are very simple: after all, somehow our grandmothers and moms managed with improvised means?

  1. At the watermelon cut the top.
  2. Take the knife and cut out the red pulp along with the seeds (green try not to touch).
  3. Through a fairly large sieve (so that the bonesdid not pass, and the flesh fell into holes) we grind the watermelon into a prepared container. The effect is almost the same as in the blender, only a little more will have to worry.
  4. The resulting fresh is poured into the dishes.To taste, you can add lime or lemon juice, a spoonful of honey. But you can not add. We mix it. The resulting drink is poured into glasses with ice cubes and decorated with mint sprigs.
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