/ / What to cook for breakfast to a loved one

What to cook for breakfast to a loved one

What to cook for breakfast loved, if youwant to impress or just help your soul mate gain strength for the whole day? Much here depends on personal preferences. And, of course, from the existing set of products. Let's list the most popular dishes, allowing without unnecessary hassle to understand the question of what to cook for breakfast quickly. Even if you do not know how to cook, after trying a few times, you can not only make sure that you are good at it, but also to experiment in your own kitchen.

 what to cook your beloved for breakfast

Toasts - ordinary and French

Toasted bread is the first thing that comes to mind,when you need to find the answer to the question what to prepare your beloved for breakfast. Batonu can be shaped like a funny figure, served with fruit, jam, honey, whipped cream, peanut butter or butter. You can fry in the toaster - this is the easiest option. And you can dip it into a mixture of milk and eggs - then you will get toast. They are also called French toast. They are preferably fried in butter and served with orange juice or coffee.

What to cook for breakfast favorite, if he likes sweets

what to cook for breakfast favorite

Bake American pancakes - pancakes.These are small lush pancakes, which are very simply and quickly prepared. In the dough you can add any fruit (apple, pear) or berries (blueberries, raspberries, cranberries). For two servings you will need:

  • 100 grams of flour with a baking powder (you can take corn, buckwheat, but the part must necessarily be wheat of the highest grade);
  • 200 grams of milk;
  • egg;
  • sugar to taste (if you took sour berries, it should be more);
  • oil for roasting.

Mix everything until smooth,gently enter into the dough berries (trying not to crumple) or fruit. Roast in a dry Teflon pan. Cool it before the next serving. Serve with sugar, cream, maple syrup, condensed milk, jam.

What to cook for breakfast favorite, if he likes to eat tightly in the morning

Many, especially those who stay up late and laterises, in the morning you do not want to eat fat and full. But "larks" who in the first half of the day develop the most active activity, and those whose work is related to physical labor, it is simply necessary to have a luncheon. What to do if your other half does not like trite cereal and eggs, and also not happy with the sweet?

what to cook for breakfast quickly
Try to make a hashbrown.This is one of the variations of pancakes or potato cutlets. For their preparation you need to boil potatoes in advance (it can be prepared in the evening) grate, season and season with salt. Form the cutlets (you can drive an egg into it for a greater viscosity) and fry in butter. This is a fat enough and high-calorie dish, the potato also contains a lot of carbohydrates. In order for the hashbraun to get better, serve a salad. Experimenting with products and their combinations, you can always invent something new and the question of what to cook for breakfast to your loved one will not put you in a dead end.

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