/ Rating of car brands by reliability. Quality, reliability and prices of cars

Rating of car brands by reliability. Quality, reliability and prices of cars

Rating of brands of cars for reliability are differentsources determine in their own way. Well, I must say - this is a very relevant topic for today. Of course, among those people who are fond of cars. Well, however, it's best to orient yourself to the owners' testimonials. Since this is the most reliable information, and it should be guided, making a rating of brands of cars for reliability.

a rating of marks of cars on reliability

Principles of compilation of statistics

So, the first thing to do is to say a few wordsabout how such lists are drawn up. In general, it is necessary to take into account several criteria. Only then the rating of brands of cars on reliability turns out to be logical, competent and, most importantly, competent. Everything must be taken into account - the work of machine components, reliability, comfort level in the cabin, transportation of luggage, impressions of the car, design, exterior and much more. But in general there are only four criteria. The first is the complaints of the owners. The second is reliability and quality. The third is costs and possessions. And, finally, the fourth is how much the quality of service at dealers. If you take into account all of the above factors, you will be able to compose a competent rating of brands of cars for reliability, as well as to find out which concern produces the best quality cars.

German cars

German statistics

Well, at the top of the rating are Germancars. And it's not surprising. "Mercedes-Benz", "Audi", "BMW" and "Volkswagen" - that's the order in which the brands are built for quality and reliability. Not only cars such as sedans, station wagons and hatchbacks of the middle class are taken into consideration (although, speaking about German cars, the phrase "middle class" is not worth using), but also sports cars, SUVs and minivans. Making up statistics and rating, it is important to take into account the interests and demand of different people and motorists. So it will be possible to determine which concern offers the widest range of machines.

The most reliable car among the "Germans" is,uniquely, "Mercedes". The quality of the assembly can not be said - it has always been excellent at all times, and manufacturers continue to adhere to their principles. "Audi" - a brand that produces in some respects simply flawless models. Especially in recent times. Manufacturers have increased the level of comfort and safety, and also improved their engines, suspension and gearbox. Perhaps this is the reason for the increased demand for many Audi models. And of course, good BMW and Volkswagen. Bavarians continue to make good, long-serving cars, and Volkswagen does not change its traditions and gives its models all the best characteristics that attract more and more buyers.

 Korean cars prices

Japanese and Korean production

The quality and reliability of vehicles related toKorean and Japanese concerns, is also impressive. So, for example, a huge number of people say that the brand, which produces really good cars, is the "Lexus". The best impression left the model Lexus RX. Slightly less popular and, accordingly, reliable, was the Lexus IS sedan.

Toyota, Honda, Huynday - these brands also came inlist of the most purchased cars. Korean cars, whose prices are pleasing to the eye, have gained popularity due to a successful combination of value and quality. Of course, of all the above, above is "Toyota". City hatchbacks of this concern are bought up very quickly. In the same way as the compacts from Honda, which is in a position below its competitor. Closes the top three "Asians" budget Huynday.

quality and reliability of cars

"The British" and "Americans"

Excellent reviews "collects" and the British concern"Jaguar". And his model Jaguar XF became the most purchased of all that was ever produced. Despite the fact that a few years ago the cars of this production occupied rather modest positions, now everything has become different. The concern's specialists have changed the approach to automotive production, and the result is obvious, the brand has taken a solid place in the ranking of the best, and this fact is confirmed by many!

Such a brand as "Chevrolet" (Americanproducer), is also included in the list of reliable. Original spare parts for these cars are inexpensive, just like a technical inspection. And it breaks, I must say, rarely. This it is similar to the American "Ford" - the model of this brand can also often be found on the roads. In general, that "Chevrolet", that Ford - manufacturers, producing stable cars. And it is for this quality that they are very much appreciated among drivers of the whole world.

Russian production

Well, a few words will not hurt to say aboutcars, produced in the factories of our country. Of course, this will be difficult, taking into account foreign brands. However, if you choose the Russian car of the year, it will most likely be Lada Priora or Lada Kalina. These machines are assembled soundly, especially the latest versions. In addition, manufacturers began to improve their characteristics and equip with new equipment, lighting, modernize engines. Many models can squeeze 200 km / h, or even more. The new engines are not so often broken, and this definitely pleases the adherents of the Russian car industry. Perhaps, it is for this reason that Lada is recognized as the most reliable car in Russia.

Russian car of the year

2015 Ranking

Well, at last I would like to list andOther brands that have entered the TOP of the most high-quality and reliable cars. They, I must say, not so little. The rating included, for example, the brand Infiniti, Suzuki and Porsche. Of course, these cars are not so popular, but the owners claim that breakages in the cases with these cars - a rarity. Mitsubishi, Isuzu and Skoda also received a lot of votes. In general, it is worth noting, for each brand there is a buyer. Here everything depends on the taste, as well as on the financial capabilities of the person. In general, the most popular were the German cars, as well as cars related to Japanese and Korean production. Strictly speaking, there is nothing to be surprised at, as in the streets we see more often than not "Mercedes", "Audi", "Toyota" and "Honda". By the way, about the prices. They are not that high. So, for example, a second-hand car in good condition can be taken for 150-300 thousand rubles. He has already served 15-20 years and can still withstand the same with good handling. And new cars, of course, will cost more. The same popular "Toyota Corolla" in the new condition will cost about 800,000 rubles. In general, what to choose depends on the person. And the price dispersion is great.

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