/ / Adjika from beet: step by step recipe

Adjika from beet: step by step recipe

Beets contain a large number of differentvitamins and microelements. Therefore, it is very useful for the human body. To date, there are many dishes in cooking, in which the present root vegetable is present. From it do salads, dressings and soups. However, a special popularity among domestic housewives is enjoyed by ajika from beets for the winter. Recipes of this appetizer will be presented in today's article.

Chili version

This recipe produces a very tastysavory appetizer. It can simply be spread on crispy fresh breads, served with meat and fish dishes as a sauce or used as a dressing for soups. In order for you to get a universal adzhika from beet, you need to stock up in advance with all the required components. This time you will need:

  • Six hundred grams of raw beet.
  • Two pods of chili peppers.
  • One hundred grams of garlic.
  • Two bay leaves.
  • A quarter of a glass of any vegetable oil.
  • Liter of ready tomato juice.
  • Three hundred grams of carrots and sweet Bulgarian pepper.
  • Half a tablespoon of table salt.
  • A quarter of a glass of sugar.
  • A teaspoon of acetic essence.

Adzhika from beetroot

Process description

Carrots are peeled, thoroughly washed undercool water and processed with a small grater. After that, it is seasoned with salt and sugar. In a separate clean bowl, blend beetroot shredded with a blender and quality vegetable oil.

After about ten minutes in a deep frying panpour half of the available tomato juice. There, too, place vegetable oil, carrots and beets. Everything is mixed well, sent to the stove and stewed over low heat. After twenty minutes, the garlic, chopped peppers and the remaining tomato juice are sent to the same vessel. All this is extinguished under the lid for about half an hour.

Adjika from beets for the winter

Когда морковь со свеклой достаточно размягчатся, to them add vinegar and bay leaf. After that, the frying pan is removed from the plate, and its contents are processed once again with a blender. Now, when the beetroot adzhika is completely ready for winter, it is transferred to sterile cans, clogged with metal lids and sent for further storage.

Option with fresh tomatoes

Следует отметить, что из нижеуказанного the number of products will be only five hundred milliliters of juicy adzhika. Therefore, if you want your family throughout the winter to enjoy the taste of this sharpened snack, it is desirable to increase the recommended proportions. In order not to interrupt the cooking process, the total duration of which is not more than one and a half hours, you must advance in advance all the required components. To make you get a delicious Adzhika from beetroots (spicy), you will need:

  • One hundred and fifty grams of ripe tomatoes.
  • One medium carrot.
  • Two hundred grams of raw beets.
  • Sweet Bulgarian pepper.
  • The head of garlic. Tablespoon of vinegar.
  • A couple of chili peppers.
  • Half a teaspoon of table salt.


Чтобы у вас получилась по-настоящему вкусная Adzhika from beet is sharp for the winter, it is necessary to adhere to the recommended ratio of products. Otherwise, you can break the balance and make a completely different snack. First you should do tomatoes. They are thoroughly washed in cold water and passed through a juicer.

После этого можно заняться другими овощами.They are peeled, rinsed under cool running water and cut into not too large pieces. Products prepared in this way are sent to the blender bowl and mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

adjika beet for winter recipes

The resulting vegetable puree is shifted tosuitable volume pan, add the same tomato juice and salt. All well mixed and placed on the stove. For the first thirty minutes, the future adjika of the beets will be cooked on medium heat, and the next fifteen - at the minimum. After that, another hot snack is laid out in a pre-sterilized jar, rolled up and removed for storage.

Variant with apple

Adjika cooked according to this recipe will bea great addition to fish, meat or mashed potatoes. In addition, it turns out so tasty and fragrant that it can be simply spread on fresh bread. Before you stand at the stove, be sure to see if you have all the necessary products. In this case, your pantry should have:

  • Kilogram of raw beets.
  • A glass of sugar and sunflower oil.
  • A couple of tablespoons of salt.
  • Three kilograms of ripe tomatoes.
  • Four medium heads of garlic.
  • Seven sweet bell peppers.
  • Four ripe sour apples.

beetroot spicy

So that you get a sharp adjika beet,You need to further prepare the hot pepper. Its quantity varies from four to six pods and is calculated taking into account the taste preferences of the cook and his family members.

Technology of preparation

It should be noted that the total boiling time of this dish should be about one and a half hours. Therefore, you need to plan your day so that you can do everything that you conceived earlier.

At the initial stage, the mainingredient. Beets are thoroughly washed, peeled, ground in a meat grinder and spread in a suitable saucepan. There also send salt, sugar and high-quality vegetable oil. After that, the contents of the dishes thoroughly mixed and put on the stove.

Spicy beetroot for winter

Half an hour later, tomato is poured into boiling beets.the juice, squeezed from fresh tomatoes, boil for another thirty minutes. After this time, the resulting mass is added to the sweet and bitter pepper that was passed through the meat grinder. Twenty minutes later, grated apples and chopped garlic are sent to the mixture. All is well mixed and continue to cook at minimum heat. Ten minutes later, the adjika beet is fully prepared. It is laid out in sterile jars, clogged and cleaned for storage.

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