/ / Beef stew for a family dinner

Beef stew for a family dinner

On the benefits and harm of beef today isa lot of controversy. Some argue that the cow's meat is a storehouse of iron needed for the human body of protein and microelements. Skeptics see in the use of this type of meat almost deadly for a person danger. However, experiments with vegetarianism and raw food show that, excluding from the diet meat, as a rule, a person suffers from protein starvation. Therefore, do not put experiments on your health, eat balanced and right. Stock up with protein in the form of beef, its a lot of the body does not happen.

How to cook a beef stew to make itretained the maximum of its useful properties? An important component should be the emphasis on proper nutrition, and therefore it should also be relatively easy to digest the digestive system. I'll tell you one good recipe for beef stew. This dish is hardly suitable for a festive table, but for a family dinner it will be just an ideal option, especially at the end of summer, when the vegetables in the garden will arrive.

I cooked a ragout of beef for the first time and experiencedfor the final result. But the dish was a success, the husband and children were satisfied. In the autumn season, I cook it very often, because at this time the sea is a variety of vegetables. Taking the recipe as a basis, you can invent a bunch of its variations, using different vegetables and sauces. Yes, and diversify your on-duty set of dishes will not be superfluous. It's easy to cook a stew, but it will take about 1.5 hours.

For a meal based on a family (4 people) meit took 300 gr. fresh beef, 1 large onion, 2 medium carrots, 1 sweet pepper, 1 small zucchini, dried parsley and celery, salt, pepper, garlic clove, tomato paste, fresh herbs.

Choosing a beef in a store or market,pay attention to its color. It should be a bright red color, this indicates that the meat is fresh. Rinse it well, you can leave it for a few minutes in a saucepan with water. Cut the beef, then cut into cubes of medium thickness, salt and pepper. Now pour a little sunflower oil on a hot frying pan, and fry pieces of beef to a golden color over a large fire. We do not need meat to fry until half cooked, it's important to get a crust to make it juicy. Fold the meat in a saucepan. Now let's take care of the vegetables.

Cut the onions into cubes.Carrots should not be rubbed, but cut first into several strips, and then chopped. Also cut the sweet pepper. Zucchini desirable to take a young and small, peel it from the peel and seeds. I used a special knife for beauty when cutting vegetables, so the stew turned out to be fun too. In the same pan in which meat was roasted, send onions, then carrots and other vegetables. Slightly fry, put into a saucepan with meat.

Now prepare the sauce, which will be stewedbeef stew. For 0.5 liters of water, three tablespoons of tomato paste, a little more salt and ground black pepper, stir and pour into a saucepan. We put it on the fire, wait for the sauce to boil, and then make a small fire and stew, stirring occasionally. While the stew prepares, you have time to chop fresh greens, we will decorate the already prepared dish before serving.

Stew it for about an hour. For ten minutes until ready, add crushed garlic, dry parsley and celery to the pan, this will give the dish a special flavor. Well, that's it! Everyone at the table!

On the table, the stew should be served lightly cooled.For beauty and brightness, sprinkle it with fresh herbs. But this is optional. For the dish, offer black or white bread. A very useful and ideal addition to this stew will be 50 grams. of red wine in a glass. Bon Appetit everyone!

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