/ / How many grams in a teaspoon of these or other products

How many grams in a teaspoon of these or other products

Surely many housewives are interested in how muchgrams in a teaspoon of a product, because often in recipes you can meet the recommendation to put 7, 12, 23 grams of ingredients. This weight is difficult to assess by eye, and there are not precise electronic scales for everyone. And even if they are, 2-3 grams may not show. What to do in this case? It is most convenient to keep in the kitchen a comparative table of the mass and volume of some types of foods that you use most often. Of course, those housewives who are used to doing everything by eye and can easily pour into a pie instead of the recommended 17 gr. ground cinnamon tablespoon of powder, easily get to the output is not the same result, which was originally calculated.

Do not make a peep for the eye, which you preparefor the first time, in order not to spoil it. It is also very important to observe the exact dosage during canning. If you do not report the salt to the usual soup, you can get an unsalted dish. And if you do not report the same salt to the pickle, which will be filled with cucumbers or tomatoes - rolled up can swell in a couple of days.

In addition to taste, the exact weight of those or otherproducts will depend on the calorie content of the dish. Which is important for people who diet and carefully calculate their diet. For example, knowing how many grams in a teaspoon of sugar, a person can calculate the calorie content of tea or coffee with one, two, three or more spoons of sugar. And, based on the data received, to balance their diet.

How many grams in a teaspoon is the croup?

A teaspoon of oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina, pearl, millet and barley cereal will weigh 8 grams. Oat flakes, as well as lentils weigh 4 grams. Corn - even easier, only 2 grams.

How many grams in a teaspoon of flour?

Corn, potato and wheat flour, which will fit in a teaspoon, will weigh 10 grams.

Often when baking confectionery, for example, a variety of cakes, rolls or pies, it is important to know the weight of spices and various additives.

So, how many grams in a teaspoon:

  1. Gelatin - 5 gr.
  2. Cocoa powder - 9 gr.
  3. Raisins - 7 gr.
  4. Citric acid - 8 g.
  5. Ground cinnamon - 8 g.
  6. Ground coffee - 7 gr.
  7. Maca - 5 gr.
  8. Liqueur - 7 gr.
  9. Milk powder - 5 gr.
  10. Condensed milk - 12 g.
  11. Sugar sand and powdered sugar - 10 gr.
  12. Egg powder - 10 gr.
  13. Baking soda - 12 gr.
  14. Cream - 5 gr.
  15. Sour cream - 10 gr.
  16. Puree from berries and fruits - 17 gr.
  17. Stewed margarine - 4 gr.
  18. Vegetable oil - 5 gr.
  19. Melted butter - 5 gr.
  20. Jams - 17 gr.
  21. Water - 5 gr.
  22. Liquid honey - 9 gr.
  23. Kefir, ryazhenka or milk - 5 gr.
  24. Hazelnut (kernels) - 10 gr.

However, how many grams in a teaspoon of spices is important to know not only for baking. This information can be useful when cooking second courses and soups.

1 teaspoon - how many grams:

  1. Vinegar - 5 gr.
  2. Tomato paste - 10 gr.
  3. Salts - 10 gr.
  4. Breadcrumbs - 5 gr.
  5. Ground pepper - 5 gr.
  6. Beans or peas - 10 gr.

Of course this is not the entire list of products used in cooking. However, here are mentioned those ingredients that are found most often.

In addition to preparing the dishes, the exact weight of the measured products can be useful in the treatment. For example, the weight of dry grass or harvest, which is placed in a teaspoonful, spoon will be 2-3 grams.

This table will help orient the housewives inrecipes, where the weight from 2 to 50 grams is indicated. If you are asked to put 60, 80, and more grams of a product, it's easier to use another measuring instrument (a tablespoon or a glass), instead of measuring 10-15 small teaspoons. And vice versa, it is roughly possible to remember that one tablespoon includes the same amount of products as in three teaspoons.

Also, remember that it is a spoon witha small hill. True if it concerns cereals and loose products. The same flour can be taken in such a way that the volume of the slide will exceed the volume of dishes every three. Naturally, it is impossible to take vinegar, milk or water with a slide.

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