/ Crested shrimp - a delicacy from the northern seas

Crested shrimp - a delicacy from the northern seas

Морепродукты занимают важное место в рационе peoples of many countries of the world. Squids, octopuses, scallops and, of course, all the favorite shrimp - products are not only very tasty, but also useful. Their rich taste especially and does not need an abundance of seasonings and spices, they are good in themselves, and for the preparation of a truly festive dinner they can even simply boil in boiling water. But if you show a little imagination, you get a real delicacy. And the expressive appearance will not leave anyone indifferent. Take, for example, the crested shrimp, which has excellent taste and looks great on the table.


The crested shrimp is quite largecompared with fellow beings being. It is found in the cold waters of the Pacific Ocean, in the north. It does not interfere with half a kilometer of water, bubbling over the natural environment of its habitat. Because of the rather large depth of the catch of crested shrimp (or as it is also called, chilima) - it is not an easy task. In part, this causes a relatively high price for this delicacy. True, the lion's share of the catch goes to Japan for export, where it is called "botan ebi", which means "sweet shrimp" in Russian.

crested prawn

Taste and color

No wonder the Japanese invented such a name.The crested prawn is really famous for its delicate sweet taste. It is combined with vegetables, cheese, greens, other seafood, and to emphasize it, there is nothing better than white wine.

The name "comb-shaped shrimp" also appeared not out of nowhere. It's all about the crest, which is located on the head and body of the mollusk body.


How to cook and serve the shrimp tablecombed? Recipe, the most common in the Far East, recommends simply boil these shellfish in sea water. If you can not get it, ordinary boiling water, generously flavored with sea salt, will do.

shrimp recipe recipe

In addition, the ebony botan can be cooked on the grill,bake in the oven, fry in batter and even make a shish kebab out of it. The large size of the crustaceans allows the cook's fantasy to sweep around with might and main. The prawns caught during the breeding season can be cooked right along with caviar, which is located on their abdomen. You can cook as a pre-cleaned carcass, and entirely, along with shells. The first method is good for soups, salads, sushi. And the fried or welded in a shell crimson shrimp can be served as an independent dish as an exquisite addition to white wine, champagne and even beer.

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