/ / "Morgenthau" (tea) and its benefits to the body

"Morgenthau" (tea) and its benefits to the body

"Morgenthau" - tea is pleasant, very useful forhealth. At the moment, it is not quite popular and common, such as the classic types of tea: green and black. However, he already has his fans and admirers.

"Morgenthau" (tea): description of the composition

This is a high-quality green leafChinese Sencha tea with the addition of flower petals, usually camellias, cornflowers, sunflowers, roses. In some types of beverage, also add calendula leaves. Tea has a rich golden color with a light floral-fruity taste, which will satisfy any gourmet. Aromatic oils give tea a unique and exquisite aroma.

morgentau tea

Useful properties of the drink

"Morgenthau" (tea) - unusually healingproduct. Thanks to its interesting composition, the drink not only has a pleasant taste, but also has a healing effect for the whole organism. Green tea by its nature is useful in itself, and together with additional components it has a lot of useful properties, namely:

  • is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals;
  • rejuvenating effect on the body;
  • helps strengthen the heart;
  • stimulates the full functioning of the brain;
  • helps to remove bad cholesterol from the body;
  • normalizes metabolism in the body;
  • helps to recover from illness;
  • is a kind of antidepressant, raises the mood,
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • drink helps reduce blood pressure;
  • increases working capacity.

Thanks to the healing drink you can eliminate the bagsunder the eyes, improve the condition and elasticity of the skin. This is an excellent remedy for poisoning, it helps the body to remove all harmful substances. It is ideal to drink a drink also in the cold season, as it improves immunity perfectly. "Morgentau" - tea, which is based on green tea, is an excellent prevention of cancer.

Of course, in order to get all the useful substances as efficiently as possible, you need to learn how to properly brew it.

morgentau tea description

How to prepare "Morgentau" (tea)

It is necessary to boil water, approximatelyhalf a liter, leave it to cool for a short time to a temperature of about eighty degrees, then pour a liquid one or two teaspoons of a dry mixture in an enameled brewer. Insist not more than ten minutes. As you can see, everything is very simple. Quite a bit of time - and the miracle tea is ready for use. You can drink and at the same time get well.

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