/ / How to cook meat in French with potatoes?

How to cook meat in French with potatoes?

Мясо по-французски с картофелем — блюдо, которое gained universal popularity. It is in the menu of restaurants, prepared for the holidays, served on weekdays and on the occasion of the arrival of guests. Oddly enough, the French know very little about this dish. The hearty, beautiful-looking dish has nothing to do with French cuisine. What is the secret of the name of the dish?

French meat with potatoes and tomatoes

A bit of history

It turns out meat in French pork withpotatoes were cooked by our distant ancestors. Russian roots of "French" meat is much deeper than that of the famous "Olivier" salad. The early name of the dish is Veau Orloff. For the first time, fried meat with an exquisite delicate sauce was served to the empress's favorite, Count Orlov. It should be noted that, over time, the recipe for meat has not changed much, unlike the salad, which left only pickles and boiled chicken eggs.

The main secret of the name of the dish is that the so-called French mayonnaise sauce was used to make it. Nothing more related to France is in the dish and never was.

Features of preparation

Of course, a very important part of the recipe is meat.For cooking meat in French with potatoes, most often selected quality pork. It is better if it is not a fat part of the carcass, for example, brisket, neck or part of the pork ham. For cooking You can also use the pulp of veal, chicken fillet or beef tenderloin.

The dish goes well with both vegetables andother types of side dishes. As a rule, meat in French is served to the age-old Russian strong drink - vodka. This is an excellent fatty, hearty, high-calorie snack. However, with red French wine the meat will “look” just as good.

When serving, it is recommended to spread the meat and cut it in a special way. Layers of "fur coat" should not be broken.

The highlight of the dish is considered to be an exquisite crisp. Do not be gratin, fried meat would be just meat.

pork meat with french fries

French Meat with Potatoes: A Step-by-Step Recipe

Предлагаем вам самый элементарный базовый рецепт, which even the beginning hostess can master. The preparation will require affordable products and a strong desire to create a true culinary masterpiece.

List of ingredients

  • Pork - 550 g
  • Bow - 3 pieces.
  • Hard Cheese - 350 g
  • 220 g of mayonnaise (instead of the store you can use the home version on one egg).
  • 2 kg of potatoes.
  • Fresh dill.
  • Breadcrumbs - three tbsp.
  • Salt.
  • Seasoning for meat (coriander, nutmeg, ground pepper).
preparation of ingredients

Cooking method

Pork pulp must be thoroughly washed,to clear a piece of films and excess fat. Meat is recommended to cut along the fibers. Portions of the pieces lay on a wooden board and beat with a hammer. Before the process it is better to cover the pieces with a film so that the meat juice does not fly apart in different directions. If you leave a large amount of fat, it will be meat. If you still want the fat to be present on the meat, then several cuts should be made across its surface. Depth 1-2 cm.

Очень важным этапом приготовления мяса In French with potatoes is pickling pork. For the marinade it is better to use the simplest and most familiar spices: coriander, dried basil, rosemary, ground pepper, nutmeg, salt. Rub the mixture with all the pieces and leave to marinate for 25 minutes. During this time, you can chop the potatoes into thick slices, cut onion into half rings.

French meat with potatoes

Prepare a baking sheet.Lightly grease it with olive oil and lay out a layer of potatoes. Meat, seasoned with black pepper, coriander, salt, lay out the second layer. Coat the meat layer with mayonnaise. As they say experienced housewives, cooking meat in French in the oven with potatoes, saving on mayonnaise is not worth it. When planning to make this dish, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will be fat and high-calorie. On a layer of mayonnaise lay out the onion half rings. The last layer is cheese.

For a perfect crust, grated cheeseMix with a spoonful of breadcrumbs, mix thoroughly, sprinkling with melted margarine. This is the easiest and most affordable recipe for gratin. The taste of crisp on the meat in French with potatoes can be called a separate dish. Previously, the gratin was removed from the meat layer and ate separately.

French meat with potatoes step by step

Dish options

Такое блюдо, как мясо по-французски с картофелем (photo attached) is incredibly popular. No wonder that he has a huge variety of cooking variations. Of course, the most popular recipe is pork with potatoes. By analogy of the classic recipe, you can cook other equally tasty and hearty dishes:

  • Beef with cheese and champignons.
  • Veal with wild mushrooms, garlic and Parmesan cheese.
  • French meat made from pork and ground beef with cheese gratin, basil and homemade mayonnaise sauce.
  • Pork with pineapples and onions.
  • French meat with potatoes and tomatoes.
    French meat in the oven with potatoes

Useful tips and tricks

  • In order for the meat in the dish to acquire an unusual savory taste and become much softer, it is recommended to marinate in red wine before being sent to the baking dish.
  • If there was no mayonnaise in the fridge, butyou do not know how to cook homemade mayonnaise sauce or simply do not use this product in cooking, then you can replace it with sour cream mixed with soft cheese.
  • Onions - an important component of the dish. But you can cook a dish without it, replacing the onion with grated apple or chopped pickled mushrooms.
  • If you need to reduce the calorie content of the dish, then we take the young veal or beef tenderloin, and we exclude the potato completely.
  • In order not to burn the dish, and the ingredients are better soaked in mayonnaise sauce, it is recommended to spread potatoes first, not meat.
  • It is very important to consider the thickness of the meat pieces. The thicker the chop, the longer the process of cooking.
  • If it still happened that the meat was slicedtoo thick (or it was badly broken off), then you should not immediately pour the cheese. Bake the meat without gratin for 30 minutes. Then remove the pan from the oven, pour the cheese, send it back.
  • If you want to cook the dish faster, then the potatoes should be boiled beforehand.
  • To make meat in French more cheese, sandwich not only with mayonnaise, but add a little grated cheese before each layer.
  • In some recipes, gratin is a mixture of finely chopped onions, grated cheese, and paneer. crackers and mayonnaise.
  • Very often, French meat is served with baked vegetables. It is not recommended to lay the vegetables on one baking sheet with meat. They give a lot of juice, which can spoil the main dish.
    French meat sauce for potatoes photo

Bechamel Sauce

If ordinary mayonnaise seems too simple to you,We suggest cooking meat in French style under the famous Bechamel sauce. The process of preparing products for this dish is exactly the same as in the main recipe. The only difference is that instead of mayonnaise, French sauce is used, the popularity of which originated during the time of Count Orlov.


  • 650 ml of milk.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Nutmeg.
  • A little ground black pepper.
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour.
  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces.
  • Oil plums. - 1 tablespoon.
  • 160 g of hard cheese.

Cooking process

In a small saucepan pour melted creambutter, milk, add nutmeg, pepper and salt. As experienced hostesses say, without the nutmeg, the taste of the Beshamel sauce will be far from ideal. Put the pot on the fire. Add flour and begin to gradually interfere. As soon as the process of thickening begins, you can add grated cheese and break eggs. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, we mix for a couple of minutes, remove from heat.

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