/ How to make jam from quince? Recipe and ways of cooking the product

How to make jam from quince? Recipe and ways of cooking the product

Aiva is a plant of the Rosy familydark green oval leaves. In the middle of autumn on it fruits of yellow color of spherical or pear-shaped form ripen. It is they who become later the object of attention of many housewives. The most popular type of home preserves is a quince jam, the recipe of which usually depends on the way it is cooked.

The simplest version

The fact is that the fruits of quince have a littlesweet, but very astringent and tart taste. Because of this, they are rarely eaten raw. Usually, the hairy apples undergo additional processing. They marinate, prepare various sauces and seasonings. Among other things, quince fruits make a lot of all kinds of sweet dishes: jam, mashed potatoes, compote, juice, jam, pastille, lucum and candied fruit.

jam from quince recipe

One of the most popular products is jam from quince. The recipe for its preparation provides for two main components:

  • ripe fruit of quince;
  • Sahara.

After preparing raw materials, you can start making jam from quince. The recipe consists of several stages:

  1. Fruits should first be washed, and then cut into four parts and remove from each of them a core.
  2. Prepared pieces put in a saucepan with boiling water. The cooking process lasts as long as it takes the fruits to completely soften them.
  3. From the resulting mixture, prepare a homogeneous mass by wiping it through a sieve or grinding it with a food processor.
  4. Add the sugar. The amount should be equal to the mass of the prepared puree.
  5. After that, cook the mixture on low heat, stirring constantly until it starts to separate from the walls of the pan.

After this, the mass will need to be transferred to anotherand leave for a day at room temperature. During the day, periodically stir the cooked jam from quince. The recipe provides, that in due course the weight will a little thicken. Now it remains only to shift the finished product into glass jars and store them in the refrigerator under the lid.

Billets for future use

The flesh of quince contains little juice.But there are many pectin compounds in it, which, due to their gelling properties, make the consistency of the finished product more dense. This jam makes a good stuffing for pies. It is well kept inside the dough during the baking process and does not leak out. Some housewives make jam from quince for this purpose. Recipes for the winter can always have at hand such a product.

jam from quince recipes for the winter

To work on the second recipe, you need all the same fruits of quince and sugar. The technology of the process consists in the sequential execution of the following operations:

  1. First, the fruits need to be washed well, and then cut into slices and put into a clean deep pan.
  2. There also pour water at the rate of 150 milliliters per 1 kilogram of product.
  3. Put the capacity on the fire. After boiling, make the flame smaller and cook the contents until the product is completely softened.
  4. Prepare syrup from sugar and water in a ratio of 1.2: 0.4, respectively.
  5. Pour the filtered mixture into a saucepan withproduct and a little more to cook. If fruits of sweet varieties are used, at the very end you can add citric acid in the amount of 2 grams for each kilogram of the original product.

Now the ready jam needs only to be packed in sterilized jars, rolled up and put them upside down. Store such canned food better in a cool room.

Cooking in a multivariate

In modern conditions, women have become much moreeasier to cook. To do this, they have in the kitchen a lot of different assistants. With their help, work is done much faster. Take, for example, a recipe for jam from quince. In a multivark, this product is prepared very easily.

recipe for jam from quince in a multivariate

For work 2 kilograms of fruits and sugar are required.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the willow and cut into slices. From each piece, remove the core with the seeds.
  2. Turn on the multivark, pour water into it and set the temperature to 160 degrees and the "multipovar" mode. After a few minutes, the liquid will boil.
  3. Place prepared pieces of quince inside the bowl and close the lid. After 30 minutes the mashed potatoes will be ready.
  4. Strain the mass through a sieve, weigh it and againput in the bowl multivark. There to fall asleep sugar. By the number of it should be the same as the mashed potatoes. Set the temperature to 130 degrees. After 40 minutes, the jam will be ready.
  5. Transfer the product to a clean container and leave until completely cooled down for 24 hours. During this time, he will properly thicken.

Fragrant jam will only be distributed in small jars and taken to a cool place.

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