/ / Kornik from short dough - it is tasty and beautiful.

Kornik from sand dough - it is tasty and beautiful.

Kournik is a closed cake in the form ofdomes. You can cook it both from butter and puff pastry. A kurik from a sand dough turns out simply excellent. The filling is usually done in several layers: boiled rice with eggs, seasoned with butter, pieces of boiled chicken with milk sauce, fried mushrooms, again chicken and then rice. Each layer is covered with a pancake. The cake is baked in the oven at a temperature of 240 degrees. Readiness is checked with a knife or spatula, just lift the corner of the cake, and if it does not bend, then the curlin is ready. Together with it a sauce is served to the table, for this we rub flour with butter, add broth and cream. Sauce is steamed until it becomes a consistency similar to sour cream. Then rub the yolks with butter and add to the sauce.

I suggest you try a few delicious recipes for cooking a kurik.

Shorty shortcake

Dough products: a packet of margarine, a glass of sour cream, two egg yolks, two glasses of flour, a baking powder, a little sugar, salt.

For the filling of chicken: polukuritsy, two onions, half a glass of broth, pepper, salt.

For a filling of rice: a glass of rice, five eggs, half a cup of broth, 30 grams of butter, salt.

Lubricate the ready kurik from a short dough with one egg.


Cooking stuffing from chicken. Boil it with the addition of carrots and bulbs. The ready chicken is cooled, separated from the bones and cut into cubes.

Shink onion, fry it in oil, combine it with chicken, pepper and salt to taste and pour in broth. The filling should not get too liquid.
Now let's start preparing rice filling. Boiled eggs cut into cubes, add chicken broth, a piece of butter, salt and mix.
Now let's do the test.In the sifted flour, add baking powder and mix. We take the eggs, we separate the yolks, we remove the proteins aside - we do not need them. To the yolks, add sugar, a little salt, lightly beat and put the softened margarine. Add sour cream and mix again. Introduce the flour and knead the dough. We leave it in the refrigerator for half an hour. The chilled dough is divided into two parts, one must be smaller than the other. The part that is bigger, roll out and put in a baking dish. We make the sides and spread half the rice filling, put rice on top of rice, then rice and again chicken. Roll out the cake from the rest, cover it with a cake and carefully patch around the edges. In the center of the pie, make a hole for steam and lubricate the surface with an egg.
We bake shortcook out of a short dough for about an hour, at 180 degrees.

Creamer of pancakes

Ingredients for pancakes: half a liter of milk, one and a half glasses of flour, three eggs, vegetable oil.

For the filling: 200 grams of mushrooms, one medium onion, one hundred grams of boiled rice, chicken fillet, a slice of cheese, three eggs, pepper and salt,


Cooking stuffing. Boil the rice.
Pieces of chicken fried with onions in oil.
Fry mushrooms with onions.
Cut the boiled eggs in circles.
Now mix the products for dough and bakeabout ten pancakes. We lubricate the round shape and lay out the first pancake, put eight more pancakes in the form of petals, we should get a flower. The petals must hang.
We spread the fried mushrooms and cover with twopancakes, facing each other. Next, lay out the rice, also close with two pancakes, then a chicken, again two pancakes, eggs and the last tenth pancake. Sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the oven for 20 minutes. We remove the prepared kurik carefully from the mold and serve it on the table.

Kurnik with puff pastry rice

Ingredients for pancakes: an egg, two glasses of milk, sugar, five tablespoons of flour, vegetable oil, salt.

For the filling: 800 grams of chicken fillet, 400 grams of champignons, onion, a glass of rice, two eggs, greens, pepper, salt.

For kurikika - kilogram of puff pastry.


We knead the dough for pancakes made of flour, milk, salt,sugar and eggs. Fry them in vegetable oil. Boil the chicken fillets and chop finely. Boiled eggs are cut into cubes. Greenery is crushed. Put the rice, eggs, greens in a cup and mix thoroughly. Sauté the onions and mushrooms in the butter.
Puff dough is divided into two different parts and bothrolling out. We put the smaller cake in a mold, on top of it a part of the filling from rice and close with a pancake. At pancake spread a little chicken meat and again cover with pancake. Then mushrooms and again pancake. And so continue until the filling and pancakes are finished.
After that, cover with another cake, we patch the edges and make a hole for the steam.
We put in the oven for an hour and a half. The ready kurik is cooled and laid out on a dish.

Bon Appetit!

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