/ / How to fry seeds in the microwave - quickly and tasty

How to fry seeds in the microwave - quickly and tasty

Sunflower seeds - a wonderful product, which contains a sufficiently large amount of vegetable fat and vitamins. Did you know that 33% of the Russian population lack these nutrients?

how to fry sunflower seeds in the microwave
In that seeds in certain quantitiesnecessary for every person, there can be no doubt. People who regularly use them age more slowly, besides the nuclei reduce plasma cholesterol. If you don’t really like the taste of this product, you can easily improve it, since it’s very easy to fry the seeds in the microwave.

What effect do the nuclei have on the body?

Losing weight is helpful for people to know that they are muffling.appetite, and there are even some diets prescribing occasional snacking on them. Seeds supply the body with essential fats, which means that a person, in addition to them, can eat only lean foods and at the same time remain completely healthy.

Many food proteins are concentrated in the nuclei.which everyone needs. And besides him, they contain carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins. If you are trying to lead a correct lifestyle, pay attention to the seeds. They must be included in your diet. Below we look at how to fry the seeds in the microwave.

how to fry seeds in the microwave
We heard about a nun who settled on an island far from people. For a very long time, she ate only one seed and felt good at the same time.

Why are nuclei needed for a full life?

Let's take a closer look usefultrace elements included in their composition. First of all, it is iron and iodine. In addition, they contain magnesium, which relieves blood vessels from slags and has a beneficial effect on the heart. Seeds are recommended to use mainly in winter. One handful is enough to provide the body with minerals and vitamins. Is your mood unstable? Disease of the nervous system? Eat sunflower seeds, because they are rich in folic acid, as well as vitamin B6, which you really need.

Not everyone knows that kernels are trulymiraculous action is not the nervous system: a person becomes more calm and balanced. If you have hard work, back them up during the day. It is interesting to know that the seeds can easily replace a cigarette. Many smokers have thus got rid of their bad habits.

How to fry seeds in the microwave

The secret to the popularity of these little grains is that they help people calm down and relax.

how much to fry the seeds in the microwave
Многие любят щелкать их во время просмотра кино or communication. People are attracted primarily by their taste. But what to do if the seeds brought from the store do not meet your expectations? There is a solution: you can fry them, and then they are guaranteed to be delicious. A few years ago, many cooked them in a griddle or in the oven, but today it can be done much faster and easier: a microwave will come to the rescue.

Stage number 1. My sunflower seeds

From contact with dark pigment whichis located directly on the grains, the skin can sometimes turn black, and you probably would not want to. It is also possible the presence of dust. Therefore, before you fry the seeds in the microwave, you must wash them. Of course, you will need a strainer for this, which is desirable to find in advance. When everything is done, shake off the water droplets from the seeds and leave them for a while, let them dry. There is a little trick: to make the grains dry faster, wrap them in a towel. Soon it will absorb the remaining water.

Stage number 2. Choose a plate

For the preparation of seeds required refractoryplate made of ceramic or glass. It is desirable that it was not gilded. Well, if you have a special dish for the microwave. If it is quite large and flat, this is generally excellent, as it will be very convenient to fry the seeds in the microwave: you can spread them out in a thin layer. The smaller you take the nucleoli, the better they will fry.

Stage number 3. Salt grain

Washed seeds should be sprinkled with oil, then salt a little. Then you should stir them with a spoon. This is done so that the salt gets on all the seeds.

how to cook seeds in the microwave
This procedure ensures great taste.grains. In no case should not abandon the use of vegetable oil, otherwise the salt will just concentrate on the bottom. However, if desired, you can use salt water instead, but in this case the taste will be less pronounced. But some specially cook fresh seeds. Well, they have the right, if they like it that way.

Stage number 4. Fry the grain

Microwave should be placed on the largestpower. If you are wondering about how much to fry the seeds in the microwave, then know: this will take 90 seconds. Then they are shaken or stirred with a spoon, after which they are covered with some dishes on top. Next, you must turn on the stove for another 60 seconds. Note: the power should now be average.

After the time the seeds are again disturbed, thenonce again put on 60 seconds. Now you need to eat a couple of grains. If you think that they are still tasteless, turn on the oven for another minute. But in no case do not fry the grains without interruption for a few minutes, and even at full power, as you will not be able to cook the seeds in the microwave - they just turn black or burn at all.

Stage number 5. Leave to cool

After turning off the microwave should not immediately get out of her grain. Let them stand for another 10-15 minutes.

Now you know how to fry the seeds in the microwave. If you did everything right, then the grains should get tasty. Enjoy your meal!

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