/ / Stuffed raw champignons - delicious and simple

Stuffed raw mushrooms - delicious and simple

Champignons are used in preparing differentdishes. They are delicious and appetizing in their own way. One of the most original dishes from this product are stuffed raw mushrooms. They are prepared very easily, and the final result exceeds all expectations. In addition, this is a great snack for any occasion.

Almost in all versions of this dishuse stuffed hats of champignons, and the legs and flesh go for the preparation of the filling. To begin with, you need to buy large champignons to make them easier to fill. Mushrooms must be washed and cleaned of dirt. Next, cut off the leg and remove a little flesh from the bonnet to get a deepening. We get a foundation, which we will fill with stuffing.

Stuffed raw mushrooms can be stuffedany products at your discretion. Naturally, they should be combined with each other and with mushrooms. The most easy and common filling is the champignons themselves. To do this, clean and finely chop the onion. Then fry it in a pan until the onion is clear. The legs and pulp of champignons are cut as small as possible and added to the onions. In the process of frying, you can add a little water and wait until it boils. Next, lay the fried mushrooms with onions on a plate and add there grated cheese. It is necessary that the filling become a single unit and not crumble. Then we fill each hat with the prepared mixture and put it on a baking sheet, which we pre-lubricate with vegetable oil. On top of each hat, put a thin plate of cheese. If you sprinkle mushrooms with grated cheese, it will crumble and fall on the baking tray. Then we put the stuffed raw mushrooms into the oven.

You can cook and stuffed with herbs, garlicand mustard mushrooms. Baked, stuffed mushrooms will be an excellent snack. We choose mushrooms larger, so that the hat can accommodate the filling. In this case, we do not separate the legs, but with just a teaspoon, we remove a little flesh. We take a large bunch of parsley and cut it as small as possible. Add to it garlic, passed through the press, and about two teaspoons of butter. The quantity of garlic we take at our discretion. If you want to get a spicier dish, then take more of this ingredient. Then add the pepper and salt. The inside of the hat must be spread with mustard. If you take mustard grains, it will be even tastier. Fill the prepared mixture with mushrooms and put them on a baking tray. We put the stuffed raw champignons in the oven, they are prepared quickly, within 10-15 minutes. Serve this dish on the table hot.

For filling champignons you can use andfollowing ingredients. We take large mushrooms, mine and separate the legs from the hats. The legs are cut into small cubes, add a bunch of dill, chopped very finely. In the mixture we put a few spoons of sour cream. It is necessary to ensure that the filling is not very liquid. Next, fill this mixture with mushroom caps. On top of the three cheese, and it is better to use thin plates of cheese, so that it does not crumble. We put the hats on the greased baking tray and put it in the oven. The cooking time is 15-20 minutes. This snack should be served hot. The classic combination of mushrooms, sour cream and greens makes the dish unusually tasty and satisfying.

For the preparation of stuffed mushrooms, you cantake any ingredients. It all depends on your imagination and the availability of products. Therefore, it is possible to surprise guests and household members with an unusual recipe, adding to it their own zest. It does not matter whether the stuffed mushrooms are classic or original, they are still a great snack for any occasion and will decorate any table.

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