/ How to cook corn in a microwave oven? Several ways

How to cook corn in a microwave oven? Several ways

Each vegetable is useful and tasty in its own way.This also applies to corn. Hot freshly prepared corn is a favorite dish of many people. In addition to the usual way of boiling on the stove, you can cook corn in a microwave. In this electrical appliance for cooking time will take much less. As you know, to cook corn on the stove, it will take 3-4 hours, whereas in the microwave it will be ready in an hour.

how to cook corn in a microwave oven

Many people are interested in how to cook corn inmicrowave oven. There are several ways. One of them is as follows. It will take: fresh corn cobs, salt to taste, vegetable oil - a couple of tablespoons. We spread the corn into a pan (special for microwave ovens) and pour it with water so that the cobs are completely covered with it. The cooking of corn in a microwave is not particularly different from cooking it on a plate. Only you have to prepare in two stages. Important: before you lay corn in water, you should carefully inspect it and clean it of all hairs, leaves, so that the grains are completely clean. Next, the corn in a pot of hot water is put into the oven, the power is selected the highest, and the cooking time is set to 30 minutes. When the time comes out, take out the saucepan and add more boiling water to close the cobs, and again put the cook for another 15 minutes. The main rule: the total cooking time should not be more than 45 minutes. Otherwise, the grains will be stiff, not juicy. After cooking, you can grate the corn with salt and grease the plant

cooking corn in a microwave oven

How to Cook Corn in a Microwaveway? It is not difficult. It will take several corn cobs, salt, cellophane bag for baking. Corn is carefully washed, cleaned of leaves, hairs. In a special casserole for microwave ovens we lay cobs, pour boiling water. If the cobs are large, cut them in half. Water should completely hide corn. A little podsalivaem, although experienced chefs recommend taking salt at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter of water.

How to cook corn in a microwave thisway? Somewhat differently. For cooking, choose the highest power and cooking time 45 minutes. When this time comes out, we take out the corn, put it in a cellophane bag (special for microwave ovens) and leave it in the oven for no more than 7 minutes, the power can also be the highest.

how to cook corn in a microwave oven
How to cook corn in a microwave, alreadyIt is known, and there are recipes for making sauces for the use of this dish. It will take butter, pepper ground (and not only black, but also red), coriander, salt, edible. Melt the butter and add all the spices, salt. Then you have to mix everything thoroughly. If the corn is used directly from the cob, then it is coated with this mixture, if - the grains, then this sauce is laid out next to them. How to cook corn in a microwave, you now know. This vegetable is good and cold. Cooked grains can also be added to different side dishes and salads.

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