Recently, to decorate the festiveThe hostess's tables are increasingly using canapés. These little sandwiches became a real attribute of any celebration. This is especially true for buffets, when guests eat standing, choosing on the table their favorite snacks or drinks. An ideal option for such an event are canapés with red fish. Such sandwiches always look very unusual and, having original taste, are themselves a real decoration of the table. And so that the guests' hands always remain clean, canapés are often made on skewers. For example, you can consider several interesting options for preparing this original dish.
The very first mini-sandwiches were prepared asrule on the crock. It was very convenient, as the fried bread practically did not soak under the action of other ingredients, and the product for a long time kept its shape. One of the most popular options for this dish is canapé with red fish and soft cheese. To prepare this spicy sandwich, you will need:
Cooking a canapé with a red fish is not difficult:
Decorate the finished products can chopped greens or zest of lemon, gently cutting off the vegetable knife with thin strips.
Very spectacular on the festive table will look like a canapé with red fish and eggs (quail). In this case, you need the following components to work:
Cooking process:
Но кушать руками такое блюдо не очень удобно.This problem is easily solved. You just need to pierce every egg with a piece of olive toothpick. Putting the finished product in your mouth, it can be if you want to eat a slice of lemon.
It is much more convenient, of course, to eatcanapé with red fish on skewers. Hands remain clean, and the product enters the mouth entirely, regardless of what form it has. Such devices are usually used for unstable structures. For example, a canapé with fish and a cucumber substrate. Here you can not do without special fastening. For such a sandwich, you will need:
How to cook from these products canapé with red fish on skewers? To do this you need:
Products can be decorated with chopped dill, and each of them separately stuck a small skewer.
Хозяйки сами могут придумывать всевозможные recipes canapes with red fish. Here everything depends on personal fantasy and the ability to think outside the box. For example, a fish does not have to be used as a whole piece. From it you can prepare a fragrant cream or mousse, and then just cover them with the chosen base. As a vivid example, you can consider a very interesting option, for which you will need:
The method of preparation of these canapes will be somewhat different:
Decorate a sandwich better fresh greens. And for convenience in each circle you can insert a skewer.
Mistresses, who still have little culinary experience,it is better to first master the simplest recipes of canapé with red fish on skewers. In them, as a rule, only 2-3 ingredients are used. Take, for example, an option for which you will need:
Such canapes are usually prepared in two stages:
Prepared for this recipe canapé with red fish on skewers is very simple, but quite tasty and perfectly suited as a snack.
If after lunch there were ordinary flourfritters, then you can also make a good canapé with red fish. A photo of this dish is clearly demonstrated by its prescription composition. In this case, you need:
Such canapes are prepared in a few minutes:
Breakfast with such sandwiches will be satisfying andsurely will appeal to all household members. To the design does not fall apart, it is better to fix it with a small skewer in the form of an acute spike or fork. This option, most likely, more suitable for a festive table.